Chapter Twenty

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“Isabel Fields has been seen leaving and arriving at a hotel for the past week with Ryan Horan, son of both Isabel and Niall. Sources close to both parties have said the couple seem to be hitting a rough patch in their relationship and have made no contact to each other directly but have through mutual contacts to discuss their child. They have not been seen together since last week only arriving at the same practice studio at different times. Isabel has also been pictured not wearing her engagement ring but a ring that we’ve seen her wear before the pair confirmed they were dating. Can we say that two have called it quits on the engagement? Has the Isiall ship sunk already? Let us know what you think on Eonline!”

“Niall mate you can’t keep watching this stuff it’s only going to make you more miserable so get up and let’s go before we’re late to rehearsal,” Liam said turning off the tv and pushing my shoulder causing me to groan. A week, that’s how long she’s been gone and the only communication we’ve had was talking through Liam and Danielle and that was only because of Ryan.

I didn’t know how she was or what she was up to since whenever I see her she has a smile on but I can never tell if it’s real or not because she doesn’t look at me or I can’t last in the same room as her for more than five minutes. I pushed myself off of the couch and pulled on my hoodie as Liam forcefully pushed me out of my house and toward his car. As he drove toward the rehearsal studio I looked out the window, “Liam?” I called quietly. “Hmm?” he said not looking away from the road. “Has Danielle said anything about how Isabel is?” This time he looked toward me before looking back at the road taking a second to answer, “All she said is she doesn’t talk much if they talk it’s about Ryan she avoids the topic of you and when all the girls hang out Soph and Daniella have both said she’s asked not to bring you up in conversation.”

Liam pulled up to the studio and turned off the car before turning to face me, “Don’t let this hurt you too much. I know you and Isabel she’s just hurt about how you reacted. You guys were stuck in the honeymoon stage of your relationship you know you two will be fine. Besides today might be different, you never know she could talk to you if you stayed in the room for more than five minutes,” He smiled at me before getting out of the car.

I looked down and smiled slightly before getting out of the car and running after Liam into the studio and walked into the rehearsal room. “Isabel you need to give me your all. Think about the happiest moment in your life I don’t know just smile and make it real!” I heard Tommy yelling at Isabel. I looked from Tommy following his gazed to a tired looking Isabel.

No color in her face or her eyes. She looked exhausted as she nodded, “Okay can we have a short break so I can get my head together?” Tommy nodded yelling that there was a ten minute break. I looked over at the other lads who were moving their eyes from me to Isabel and motioning with their hands. I sighed and grabbed a water bottle before walking over to Isabel who was sitting by Ryan’s car seat playing with our son.

I stopped for a second taking a deep breath, “Hey are you okay?” I asked holding out a water bottle crouching down in front of her and Ryan. She looked at me for a second before taking the water bottle and nodding, “Um, yea thanks.” She opened the water bottle in front of her taking huge gulps. I nodded then turned toward Ryan, “Hey buddy are you behaving for mommy?” I asked tickling the bottom of his foot causing him to squeal and kick his foot.

I laughed as Isabel snorted, “He’s doing the quite opposite of that actually. Isn’t that right you little rascal?” She said poking Ryan in the stomach while he continued to kick his foot. “You know you can drop him off at the flat so you have a free night,” I suggested shrugging. Isabel stopped laughing and looked at me expression blank. “Niall I don’t kn-“ “What’s not to know? He is my son too and I haven’t seen him since last week.”

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