Chapter Eight

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"Come on lads we have to go to sound check," Liam said after a couple moments of silence. I kept looking at my lap refusing to look up. I don't understand this why are we cancling me? Niall did this not me I get I'm getting a lot of hate at the moment but me not going on stage isn't going to stop the hate and it makes me feel guilty for my fans that won't be able to see me now. Once the boys were out on the stage I looked up and saw Mahogony smiling at me, "I'm going to go out and get some sleep on the bus so tell Harry for me?" 

I nodded pulling out my laptop and headphones. I sat my feet up on the couch and plugged my headphones into my laptop before placing them in my ears watching Mahogony walk out with a member from security. I sighed and worked on some planning for the baby and the wedding even though I didn't know what the plan was anymore. I gave up soon as the boys came running back, "Harry Mahogony went out to the bus," I said carelessly not taking my eyes off the screen scrolling through my music before stopping at my favorite song and pressing play setting my laptop down on the couch infront of me as I crossed my legs sitting sideways. 

I felt the boys eyes on me as I opened up the photobooth and ignored them as they got ready. I took random pictures of myself making silly faces until I was bored and every little problem came back into my mind. I put my hands on my stomache and looked down after I clicked the button for the picture to be taken. I could feel the tears build up in my eyes so I grabbed my phone and tore the headphones out of my ears before quickly getting up and rushing out to the bathroom. 

Once I was away from everyone I let the tears fall freely and looked up into the mirror then down at my phone. Niall doesn't want this baby. His fans don't want this baby. Hell my fans don't want this baby. I'm pretty sure no one wanted this baby but I want this baby I want to keep it so bad  but for Niall to even love me it all has to go back to normal. 

I opened my camera app on my phone and switched it to the front camera and took a deep breath before clicked for the video start. I looked down at my stomache and smiled, "Hey baby, your just a little thing in my stomache right now but I love you so much. No matter what happens in the next nine months you will always be my baby and I will always be your mommy and I will always love you. So if you have to be put into a different family I just hope one day they'll show you this and you could know I always loved you and will continue to. I'm even sure daddy loves you even if he tries to show me he's not excited. I will love you baby and I hope the family that gets you will treat you like the prince or princess you are. I love you," I ended the video and let out a sob and covered my face. 

For everything to go back to normal I need to make the right choice for my baby and keep it away from all of this.


*Niall's POV*

"....  I'm even sure daddy loves you even if he tries to show me he's not excited. I will love you baby and I hope the family that gets you will treat you like the prince or princess you are. I love you," I heard Isabel say as I stood outside of the bathroom. Tears fell down my cheek as I listened to her talk to what I'm guess is a video that she will give to the baby. I heard a sob come from inside the bathroom before it got quiet before I turned and walked back to the dressing room not bothering to wipe off my face. "Mate you okay?" Zayn asked as I sat down and rubbed my hands over my face letting my head fall back letting out a long sigh. "What's wrong with him?" I heard Mahogony ask. 

I assumed her and Harry walked back in, "We don't know he chased after Isabel and came back red faced and tears." I heard Liam say. "Where's Isab- Nevermind there you are." Mahogony asked as a door shut. I kept my hands over my face and swore my breathing stopped, "Yea I'm here can't go anywhere. Oh I passed Paul he told me to tell you five that you have like five minutes." Her voice sounded off. Did it always sound so strained and crackly. I got up and ran passed everyone and out of the room wiping my face with my shirt and grabbing my mic and in-ears going to my spot. Everyone followed behind me quietly. Mahogony and Isabel stayed to the side as me and the boys did our usual warm up. I watched as Harry kissed Mahogony quickly and smiled at her lovingly. 

Love Will Remember ~Book Three~ EDITING!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt