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Sean's POV
I woke up hugging Vanna.. What the fudge? I got up... Everybody must be at the kitchen or somewhere around the house. "Oh hey.. Where is everybody?" Vanna asked. "I don't know I just got up," I said. "Okay... I'm hungry," Vanna said and that made me nod too. We both got up and saw the squad outside the garden. "Morning sleepy heads!" All of them said. We both chuckled. "Some pancakes are at the kitchen go and grab some.." Lexee said and I nodded. "Lexee? Can you later please get me to my home?" Vanna asked. "Uhh.. Sorry can't what street are you anyway? Mom and dad is out sorry" Lexee asked. "A little close to Lemon Avenue" Vanna said. "Wait what? Sean lives at Lemon Avenue.. What a coincidence," Bailey giggled. "You live at Lemon?" I asked. "Yeah!" She exclaimed. "Maybe you can go with me back home, dad is going to catch me up here," I said and she sure. "Wait.. What does your house look like?" I asked once more. "A house that is a little old.. andddd with lots of plants of orchids around and tulips" She said, wait she live there? "Damnn.. So you live with the old woman there with a dog like a husky? Is that it?" I asked.. Never know she lives there. "Uh... Y-yeah! With a husky dog yeah.." She said stuttering why though? "I have seen that husky like for years since the day I think that is you who moved in with the old woman and that dog is always outside." I said and we both got in the kitchen to get the pancakes. "So... That is your grandma?" I asked. "Yep" she said while eating. "So your the girl I always see at the window everyday? Damn never know it was you Vanna," I said like wow. "Yeah.. I'm always at my window.." Savannah said. "Why? I never saw you playing with the kids outside not even one," I said.. Why isn't she even going out of her house? "Its just.. just... Its nothing.. I'm just not used to kids around," Savannah said.. "Maybe.." I said and we both finished our food and Ken Gabe Bailey and Tati's family came to get them.. I'm now only waiting for dad. "Sean! Your dad is here!" Lexee said and I hold Savannah's hand out and into the car and thanked Lexee for the great sleepover. "Who is that Sean?" dad asked. "Oh dad this is Savannah and Vanna that is my dad.. Annddd Vanna lives to the house where there is this old woman with a husky doggie that plays with Oreo remember? and uhh.. She lives there and she needs a lift," I said and dad nodded. "Nice too meet you Savannah," Dad said and she smiled. "Nice to meet you too sir," Vanna said. "Just call me papa or dad anything," Dad said and she nodded. "So your the owner of the dog who always play with our dog then," Dad laughed. "Kind off yeah," Savannah giggled.


Savannah's POV
Can't believe Oreo is their dog, if only you guys know. "I always passed by that house... Never seen you around.. Well.. Kinda a little girl I saw few years back," Papa said. "Uhh.. Yeah thats me! Thats when I moved into Walnut," I exclaimed. "I never go out my room.. Kind off," I said not trying too look to any of them. "Mhmm.. I always see her like everyday at her window looking at the neighbors thats all," Sean said his still not holding out my hand. Kinda his touch is so soft and his really warm..
I am still wearing his hoodie maybe later I'll give it back to him. "Oohh okay.." Papa said and 3 hours later we are already at Lemon.. I saw Sean waking me up. "Aye you up?" Sean asked. "I'm up," I said and we both got out of the car I saw my house a little far.. "This is my house.. And that is your house I can say?" Sean said and I nodded and I took off the hoodie Sean gave me and handed it too him. "No keep it, its fine.." Sean said but I insisted still he gave it too me. I was about to go home when Sean grab my hand. "Sean?" I said looking at my hand that he is holding.. "Uhmm.. A.. Since we're already friends.. Uhm.. Can I have your number?" Sean said quiet a bit embarrassed for what he have said. "Sure! Why not" I said and he cheered up and gave me his phone. I putted my number to his contacts and so as his number he putted his number to mine. We both said our good bye's and I rushed of to my house. When I got there, I saw my grandma at the porch. "Hey grandma! I'm home!" I said and hugged her. "Oh my darling, I felt a little quiet last night, I'm used to have my little husky here by my side, but its fine." Grandma said and I smiled and hugged her. "Missed sleeping with you grammy," I said and we both goes inside and saw that she ready some foods for the both of us. We both ate happily. Then afternoon came.. I wanted too go out again but.. In wolf style. I got in my room and gets undress and yep! Wolf time! I got out of the house and walk around. All the people know me, but they don't know I'm a wolf neither I'm Savannah. I saw Sean helping someone out I think its his sister. I walk up to him and he saw me he approached me but I'm kinda a bit scared so a backward a little. "Don't worry I won't hurt you," Sean said. I know that Sean. I'm just scared that you might say I'm a wolf. Some people are very expert too identify if your a dog or a wolf. "Are you Savannah's dog?" He asked and I howled. "Wow you howl like a real wolf," He said. I'm a wolf the heck. "Sean?" A girl said. "Oh a sorry.. Be back there, gotta go doggie see you next time," Sean said and goes off. I did the same and just walk around the neighbors and everybody gave me a piece of there foods. I'm not that hungry please but still I ate it hehe. It is almost night so I go to the nearest forest to Walnut. I always go there for a run every night. I got to the middle of the forest. That I am so tired that I wanted to go home already but I heard some delicious food coming. I came to run at the animal that is hiding and guess what? It is a freaking duck, Nuh uh I don't eat birds. Fine I'm going home. As I got home I saw grandma sleeping already. I guess I should go and get dressed myself and go too sleep already. Its kinda my daily basis everyday I'll run towards the forest until its really really dark but sometimes I watch some shows with grandma. I go to my bed then my phone suddenly rang.

Shawnee👌🏻: Aye! You up?
Vanna😿: I was about too sleep😴
Shawnee👌🏻: Oops😁 Sorry😋
Vanna😿: Its okay Bear😋
Shawnee👌🏻: Bear?😂
Vanna😿: From now on I'm gonna call u Shawnee Bear😂
Shawnee👌🏻: and from now on I'm gonna call u Vanana😍😂🍌
Vanna😿: Seriously?😭😂
Shawnee👌🏻: Yeeeeppppp😂😁 Vanna😿: Okay then Mr. Bear 🐻
Shawnee👌🏻: Welp! My sister is trying to kill meeee😂
Vanna😿: I'll let you and your sister have that sweet bonding momentò for awhile bye😋
Shawnee👌🏻: NOOOOO!! Ihysm😭😭
Vanna😿: Awwww ilyt bruduh😂❤️
Shawnee👌🏻: WELP! 😭
Vanna😿: Vanana is out bye😛
Shawnee👌🏻: I'm gonna hate you for the rest of the year until 2018 😏😏
Vanna😿: Nooooooo😭😭😭
Shawnee👌🏻: I'm just kidding😛
Vanna😿: 😒😒😒
Shawnee👌🏻: I'm just kidding c'mon😛
read 10:08 PM
Shawnee👌🏻: Aye? you alive??🍌
read 10:27 PM
I hate you Sean.

Shawnee👌🏻: Yo? Vanna?
read 10:20 PM
Shawnee👌🏻: Vanana?😭😭
Shawnee👌🏻: U ded?😿😭😭
read 10:27 PM
Shawnee👌🏻: Babe?

Woah dude.

Shawnee👌🏻: Baby??
Vanna😿: Okay stop😛
Shawnee👌🏻: U blushy aren't ya😏😏
Vanna😿: Dafuq? Am not🙄
Shawnee👌🏻: Watch ur words missy😕
Vanna😿: Sorry then?😂🙄
Shawnee👌🏻: Its 10:50 PM already go to sleep Vanana😴
Vanna😿: Okieee night night daddy😂❤️
Shawnee👌🏻: I'm ur daddy Lew from now on baby cakes❤️😂😂 Now go to sleep or I'm gonna go to ur house and kill you😏
Vanna😿: I will dadddddyy Lewwwww okie okieeeee BYEEEE😂😂😂

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He is so funny hehe. Anyways his right I gotta go too sleep. I tucked myself undercover and my eyes is getting a little heavy, so my eyes slowly drooped down and I drifted off too sleep.

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