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Savannah's POV
Its been 2 months.. 2 months looking out, day and night.. I can see the moon.. Going dark.. Reddish.. My scar from Ravana to my neck is becoming worse and worse.. I forgot too tell that she said when Ravana is almost there this scar will come worse... Its time.. I can't believe this is happening.. Looks like.. I'll have too risk my life. I'm sorry my grandma.. If I can't keep your promise, any day by now .. They are all here.. Even. Ravana. I hope I'll succeed.. I hope no one gets hurt.. I hate my life.. Can I just be a normal girl like the others? But.. Its too late for that.. A war is coming.. I have to get ready.. "Savannah!" Grandma shouted. I stood up and goes down.. "Hey grandma," I said.. "Looks like.. The moon is already red darling.." Grandma said almost crying.. "Please my darling.. Please keep your promise that you'll not die.. I trust you Savannah.. Your the only person I got.." Grandma pleaded.. "I don't know grandma.. But I'll try just for you.. If I didn't make it.. I'm sorry grandma.." I said crying.. "Savannah.. Don't say that.. Your the bravest girl I have ever known.. You couldn't die.. You just couldn't " She said almost crying. "Grandma please don't cry.." I said and wiped her tears.. "Please be safe.." She said and I took my stuffs.. I'm going to the neighborhoods to check on them.. Even Sean.. This might be crazy.. But I think I love him.. And I'll do anything for him not too die.. His the only guy who made my heart skipped a beat.. But.. I know I'm half immortal.. But my parents is right.. Being immortal nor human is okay.. As long as you love each other.. But I don't think that he likes me.. Nor loves me.. But I still don't care... I got to Sean's house and dinged the doorbell.. I'll be looking out for him.. He haves no idea why I'm going to have a sleepover at his house.. But he was reluctantly so happy and that made me happy too...

Sean's POV
"Hey!" I greeted too Vanna.. "I missed you.. Its been 2 month we didn't get too see each other.." I said and hugged her.. "How was step up 6?" She asked smiling.. "eh.. Just dancing and all and boxing stuffs.. Nothing much really.." I said and she goes in.. "Kinda weird the moon is turning red," I said.. Cause its true.. The moon turned too red and it was really creepy.. "Oh yeah.. The red moon.. Yes.. I.. Saw . It..." She said stuttering.. "Anything wrong?" I asked.. "Nope.. There's nothing wrong Lew.." She said and smiled and I smiled back.. I really like this cutie.. She's so tender, sweet, kind, caring and a lot more for a boy could ask.. We both then decided to go to IHOP since I'm very lazy too cook right now.. After IHOP we both got home and just played around.. But something weird is going on too Vanna.. She kept looking out the window.. Is she looking at the Red Moon? "Why are you looking at the Moon for hours and hours?" I asked but she didn't answered.. "Hey?" I said then looked at her.. "Its not that even cold why are you putting that hoodie on?" I said and turned her around and put off her hoodie.. "Sean stop.. Don't" She said stopping me... and putting the hood to her head back on. But I put it out. I then saw a big scar too her neck.. She covered it with her hands.. "You have a big scar too your neck..." I said and puts out her hand away from her neck.. "Sean.. Stop.." She said.. Covering it.. "What happened?" I asked "Nothing.." She said.. "Look.. Tell me what happened with that big scar?" I asked again and holds her arm.. "Look.. Sean nothing happened.." She said not even trying too look at me.. "Look.. Please Savannah.. Tell me.." I pleaded.. "Sean nothing happened for the last time..." She said sitting down the chair next to the window.. "Please? Savannah?" I pleaded once more.. "Sean.. Look.. You just don't know anything.." She said and that made me stop.. "What do you mean I don't know anything?" I asked.. "You don't know me so you don't need to care about this scar.." She said almost crying.. "What do you mean I don't know you? I do know you.. Savannah.. What is the meaning of this?" I asked holding her arms together... "You don't know who I really am.." She said and that made me skipped a beat.. "Vanna what the hell is the meaning of this?!" I said scared.. "Sean stop..." She said.. "Stop saying stop okay? I love you.." I said.. "What?" She asked.. "I love you.." I said and hugged her.. "Sean.. This is wrong.. You shouldn't love a girl like me.. You don't know anything about my past.." She said looking down.. "Past? What past?"


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