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Sean's POV
Why is she taking too long? I stood up and leaned to the bathroom door, hearing her crying.. Why is she crying? Is it all about the kissing? I shouldn't have done that, it just make her sad or upset or something.. I don't know. "Vanna? Are you okay?" I said knocking the door politely. "Oh.. A.. I'm fine Sean.. I'm fine.. What do you want?" She asked wiping her tears. "Why are you crying?" I said then open the bathroom door. "I'm not crying, I'm just washing my face.." She said.. Lying.. "Its obvious that you are lying.." I said then walks in front of her and wiped her tears using my fingers, she stopped my arm to her cheek. I started comforting her and caressing her left cheek. "Now tell me, whats wrong?" I asked softly. "Its nothing Sean.. Don't worry.." She said.. I seriously think that she's onto something that she isn't telling me.. I got out of the bathroom and seats down to my sofa and just go to my phone and scroll to my Instagram and Twitter. Nothing much.. As I scroll to my social medias I saw Vanna got out of the bathroom.. She looks so cute with Serris' clothes.. (A/N Photo above☝🏻 :3 ) But I'm not saying Serris' is cute hehe, she ugly.. Lol. "You down for Netflix?" I asked and she smiled and nodded. She sat down to the sofa and I get the remote to the t.v and watch the movie called 'Now You See Me 2' I seated to the sofa but half away from Savannah.. I don't even know why I did that. We started watching the movie and the movie was so cool I wanna replay it. I was about to ask Vanna if she wants to watch some more.. I looked at her.. Sleeping... Her soft snores is so cute.. Guess I shouldn't bother her good night sleep.. I lifted her up and laid her down to my bed and I just took some pillow and putted it to the sofa.. I turned off the t.v and goes out the room and turn off the other lights.. I picked Oreo up and putted her inside my room and gave her a water too drink.. I turned off the other lights.. I got in my room and reached the night light to my bedside and turned it on and turned off the other lights.. I go to Savannah and looked at her.. Sleeping peacefully.. while snoring quietly. I kissed her forehead and goes to the sofa and saw Oreo going to sleep with Vanna.. Looks like Oreo likes her.. I tucked myself under covers and slowly my eyes felt a little heavy then.. My eyes starts to droop down.. Until I fell asleep.

--------7:30 AM / Monday-------

Savannah's POV
I woke up in a soft bed.. Woah! How did I get here? Anyways as I got up I saw Oreo beside me.. Is she seriously sleeping with me?! I saw Sean still sleeping to the sofa.. Poor Sean.. Why did I took his bed? Lmao.. Oreo then jump to my back.. I picked her up and goes outside the room. "Okay.. Oreo I know you knew something," I said.. As I am a wolf I can speak with dogs! Hehe!  So I'm the only one who can understand her. 'Don't let my master get killed please SAVANNAH!' Oreo barked. (A/N Lets pretend Oreo can speak but she can only bark really in front of the others.. Except Vanna😂😂) "Don't worry.. I'll do everything to not let your favorite boy killed by her.. I won't let her.. Oreo keep an eye on him and the moon on the 2nd month in the 3--- " I said then someone interrupted me. "Who's getting killed?" someone said with a groaning morning voice.. Its Sean.. "Oh.. Uhm.. No one! What are you talking about?" I said stuttering. "Why are you talking to Oreo like she's a person?" He asked confused. "What?! Me?! Talking to Oreo?! No!.. Ah.. Uhm.. I was playing with her.. It must be your head only S-sean.." I said.. Oreo then barked. "Why won't you tell him?" Oreo said scratching my right leg. "Not now Oreo..." I mumbled and she laid down.. "Okay.. We have school today and.. I gotta go home.. See you later?" I said and he nod and gave me a quick hug.. I let go of his grip and gets my shoulder bag and ran off.. Oreo then bark again.. "LATER!!" She said I just chuckled and goes inside the house. "Whats the fuss honey dear?" My grandma said coming out of nowhere. "Nothing gramma," I said then seats down to the sofa and sighed. "Whats wrong dear?" She asked. I still didn't answer.. "I know something happened.. I know you Savannah," She said then I sighed once more.. "Well.. Remember.. A-about.. Ravana? Gramma?" I said looking down. "I do.. Now what is with you putting up Ravana again? Did she come back?!" My gramma said overreacting. "No! She didn't came back.. Well.. Its.. About.. Ravana's spell... To me 10 years ago.. Remember that?" I said almost crying.. "Oh honey.. What about Ravana's spell too you?" She asked patting my back.. "I.. Uhm.. M-me.. and.. S-sean.. Accidentally.. Kissed gramma," I said and cried. "Oh.. Honey.. What? Why? When? Why did you do that? You know Sean is in big trouble!" She said then hugged me.. "I'll try.. I'll try not .. to let Ravana kill him.." I said wiping my tears. "But how? Ravana is more powerful than you hon.. How?" She asked.. "I'll risk.. My life, for him.."


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