Chapter 2

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Crystal's P.O.V

We arrive at the field just in time for practices. You might be wondering how I'm able to walk when I have a messed up ankle. Well, I have a brace for it, and yes, it is painfull to walk on. But, I have to learn to walk it off. (Get it!? Haha! Im done. Carry on.) Anyway, the game looks like its about to start. I kinda have a feeling something bad is going to happen later. Oh well. I hope it's nothing too serious.

====== 50 Minutes Later ======
We have 10 minutes left in the game and the score is 3-3. It suddenly starts raining. Yay. This'll make the field way more slippery. The ref suddenly blows the whistle. They don't do that unless someone's hurt. After everyone cleared the way, that revealed Sabrina in the middle of the field, holding her arm and gritting her teeth. The refs help her up and she comes over and sits next to me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I slipped and some of the kids decided to run over my arm." Sabrina explains. Ow?

"Lemme see it." She lifts her sleeve, which reveals a black and purple bruise near her shoulder.

"Does it hurt when I do this?" I ask as I pick up a piece of grass. I run the piece of grass on her arm and she winces in pain.

"Yeh." She says through gritted teeth.

"When we get home, we'll put something on it to help it heal." I say. She nods and we watch the rest of the game.

====== Authors Note ======
This is probably a short and boring chapter... Oh well.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you Warriors later!


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