Chapter 5

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Crystal's P.O.V

The boys start attacking us. I don't want to fight any of them but I will if I have to. Ty stops in front of me. I throw a spell at him, which knocks him back slightly.

"Your weak!" He smirks.

"Ty I know your in there. Plz don't let Enderlox control you." I begged.

"There is no more Ty. Enderlox is here for good!" Enderlox says. Suddenly, a guys in a purple cloak, silver crown, and brown hair and eyes appears. Wait that's our cousin, Seto! How did he know we were in trouble? I don't see Christine anywhere.

"Go! I'll hold him off!" Seto yells. I nod and head over to Lava and Rosalia, who are fighting off Quentin and Ian.

"Rosalia! Throw a freeze spell at them! That should hold them off for a while!" I yell. Rosalia nods and throws a light blue ball at them, which makes them turn to ice.

"Want me to burn them?" Lava asks.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why would we do that? Kill these evil things, you kill Ian and Quentin. Want that to happen?" I ask sternly.

"No." Lava responds.

"Come on, we need to help out Karma, Husky, and Gabby." I say and run over to the other girls. They were fighting off Mitch and Jerome. Rosalia throws another spell at the two boys, which makes them freeze.

"Now come on. Let's help Sabrina." I say and we head towards where Sabrina is fighting off Adam. Sabrina shoots an arrow at him but he dodges it. Rosalia throws a freeze spell at Adam.

"Ok, Seto is fighting off Ty. Rosalia, your going to freeze him like the others. Got it?" She nods and throws a spell at, Seto.

"Not him! The dragon guy!" I yell, obviously trying not to laugh.

"Oops sorry." She says and this time freezes Enderlox.

"Lava, unfreeze Seto." I instruct. She throws a ball of heat at Seto, which causes him to unfreeze, and burn his leg a bit in the process.

"Ow! That burned!" Seto yells and grips his leg.

"Oh well. Suck it up Buddercup. I have a messed up ankle. Now let's get back to the house and think of a way to get these guys back."

====== Authors Note ======
This chapter was a bit random and all over the place. Oh well.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you warriors later!


ConfusionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora