Chapter 8

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Crystal's P.O.V

What is wrong with Tristan? Why does he have to hurt my friends so I'll join him? I can't wait till the day he's in hell. He won't be easy like Robert was though. I head into my room and sit on my bed. I sigh. Sassy comes up and sits on my lap.

"Hi Sas. If only you could talk." I say. I hear someone knock on my door.

"What?" I ask.

"It's Ty. Sabrina's with me." Ty says. I sigh.

"Come in." I lay down on the bed.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Sabrina asks.

"I'm just sick an tired of Tristan trying to hurt you guys so I'll join his group of taking over Minecraftia! We all know that will never happen! So why is he even trying!?" I yell.

"He's probably doing it as a punishment you don't deserve. He may not be easy to defeat, but he will be defeated." Ty says and sits on the bed next to me.

"Maybe if we ignore him, he will leaves alone." Sabrina suggests.

"Yeah. That could work. Lets try that." I say smiling.

"Now come on. Let's go to the obstacle course and race." Ty says. Oooh racing sounds fun!

"I'm in! Race you there!" I shout and fly out the door. I fly out of the house and land at the obstacle course. Ty was right behind me.

"Ok, so you win, I do your homework for any month you chose. I win, you fight mobs with me at night for a month. Deal?" Ty explains.


"Ok tell me when you-"

"GO!" I yell and fly off.

"Hey!" I hear Ty yell behind me. I smirk. He suddenly gets ahead of me. Huh? I enter a long dark building that has walls coming out of the sides. Damn it! This is the thing I hate the most out of the whole course. I start flying through it with ease, but then I end up hitting my ankle on one of the walls.

"Starclan's sake, that hurt!" I yell and grip my ankle. Ty flys back to where I am.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Yeah. Just hit my damn ankle on one of the walls." I explain through gritted teeth.

"Good. Now I have a race to win." Ty says and flys off.

"Hey that's not fair!" I yell and fly after him. As I fly out of the building, I was blinded by the sunlight basically. After I avoided the poles, I land at the finish line and find Ty already there.

"Guess who's fighting mobs for a month." He teases.

"Alright I lost." I say.

"Ok. You get to pick two people to come with you. And the only rule is no using magic." Ty explains.

"I never agreed to that! Can I atleast fly since I can't walk?" I ask.

"Since you have a reason, yes." Ty says.

"Now, let's get ready to go. It's almost Dusk." Ty says and we teleport home.

====== Authors Note ======

So I just realized something. In the first book, I explained my (Crystal's) left ankle is the injuried one. It's not. Its the right one. I've been wanting to tell you that and forgot to. (I edited it. No worries! :D)

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you warriors later!


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