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"So, um tell me more about how the hell I became Commander of Dino shifters when I was born in the 1990s" I asked trying to fathom what is going on. My so called 'Second in command' stepped forward and began to speak.

"You were out in status as a baby so you could lead us in the future but little did we know that your so called father would be there waiting for you so when you woke up I was suppose to be there with you when you woke up but I was put in stasis longer than I was suppose to" he said and I was still not understanding how a sabertooth tiger is the the commander of Dino's.

"Okay but why me"

"Because Justin you are my mate and I am the king of the Dino's" a guy said out of no where, I looked around and saw who spoke.i was honestly shocked tears came to my eyes as I saw the man that stood in front of me.

"D..Dorian" I said trying to hold it together​.

"Yes Love" I ran towards him and hugged him. Tears ran down my eyes as Dorian held me closer. Dorian pulled his head away from my shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes. He wiped my tears of my face and cupped my cheek." I missed you" he said and he kissed me and i kissed him back. I pulled back and hugged him.

"I missed you too" I said as Dorian moved back and held my hand. He first looked me in the eye and smiled. I'm​ still a little surprised that he us here but happy overall Dorian looked at everyone and smiled towards them and then he said something that put the world in slow motion.

"Tommorow we take over the world" he said. I was honestly confused right now we were hidden for thousands of years and he wants us to rule the world. I'm... Even more confused then ever

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