"The Mansion

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"The Mansion

Dorian's house wasn't very far from mine, but it took me a while because of the many street signs in front of me. I also made sure to shower long before I went to get the sticky heat off of my skin. With the windows rolled down, I felt refreshed as I drove down the winding road to the cliffs along the beach. Green shrubbery was abundant with bright oleander flowers powdering across the hedges."
"My GPS informed me of my arrival and when I looked outside of my car window, I saw a massive house on a wide, green yard. The gate was open, but I decided to park on the curb next to the home. Is this where he really lives? I wondered. As I reached the top of the path along the grass, I saw the height the house was at. Everything about this situation was intimidating.
As I went up to the towering front doors of the mansion, I noticed a small note stuck above the knocker.
Justin-- Come in.
I wouldn't have assumed the note was for me if my name weren't on it. Carefully, I pushed on the door handle and opened it. A large "creek echoed on the marble flooring to the house. I shut it to a booming thunk as the door slammed behind me. There was a row of large shoes at the entrance, so I followed suit and took mine off as well, placing them there.
"Hello?" I called out as I wandered into the mansion. It was as grandiose as it was large. The paintings on the walls had fine textures and the statues of Greek gods and goddesses seemed to be authentically aged.
Suddenly, I came upon a second note next to something dark blue and made of cloth.
Put this on and come down the hall.
I picked up the dark blue cloth and realized that it was actually a "jock strap. The texture of it was stretchy and a bit rough. I had never worn a jockstrap before, but I also knew the way out of his home if I really wanted to escape. Instead, I decided to take Dorian up on his challenge.
Stripping naked, I folded my clothes and placed them on an ottoman next to where I found the second notes. I stepped into the jockstrap and rolled it up my legs and over my waist until I fit in it. There was a large mirror on my right and I walked over to it, adjusting the strap until it fit just right. I examined myself for a moment. I had never worn a jock strap before. The pouch in the front cupped together in a nice, fit package. I "turned and looked my butt, which was extenuated by the straps that curved under my cheeks. I look totally hot in a jock strap, I thought, smiling.
There was only one last thing to do, which was to venture through the hallway. I took in a short but deep breath and began walking down the hall. The afternoon sun was still glowing through all of the bright windows in the first room, but as I stepped into the hall, the shadows became more frequent.
At the end of the hall were two large, wooden doors. I looked for a third note, but when there was none, I knocked. For a moment, there wasn't a sound until I heard someone walk up. The shadow the "approaching person cast blocked out a small amount of light that came from under the door. Suddenly, the wooden door opened with an elongated creaking sound. When it was done, Dorian came from behind it.
He was extremely tall, muscular, and wickedly handsome. Dorian wore a black tank top and dark blue gym shorts. The sense of menacing that I anticipated from him was evident in this moment.
"Come in," he said, strictly. I followed him into a mostly wooden designed room. Dark, heavy woods comprised most of the décor. I looked around in awe with my back to him.
"How are y-?" I began to ask, trying to make conversation. Before "I could finish my sentence, I felt Dorian's wide chest press against the back of me. He leaned down, pressing the rough skin of his face against my neck. I felt his mouth open and then the warmness of his breath. Something sharp sunk into my neck. There wasn't as much pain as I thought I'd feel from being bitten. Instead, a warm, tingly rush filled my body."

Weird huh so what do u think of Dorian

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