"Waiting in the Water

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"Waiting in the Water

"A snake?" I said. Then, I realized what trouble this could be.
"Move!" yelled Dorian. I jumped to the other end of the couch, just as the snake sprung up from the water and crashed through the giant window. Glass spread across the room as the snake flew through the air with its mouth open. Dorian tried to cover himself, but the snake lunged at him, scraping its fangs across his forearm. The snake fell onto the marble flooring before coiling"
"coiling and hissing at Dorian whose eyes were glowing.
The snake sprung forward again but this time missed Dorian, who then grabbed the snake under the jaw and wrestled it to the floor.
"Show yourself!" yelled Dorian. The snake turned into a tall, thin man. It was Roman.
"Please," hissed Roman, naked and still in a chokehold. "If you kill me, there will be bloodshed for you. Let me go and I will tell the others to stay far away from you and that boy."
"If you do come back, Roman," said Dorian. "I'll pull your spine clean out of your body."
"Okay, okay!" said Roman in a hushed tone. Dorian let go and Ro"
"Roman swiftly turned back into a snake and sprung back through the window.
"Great, there are more," I said, panting.
"Afraid so," said Dorian. He sat back on the couch and slid next to me. "Are you okay?"
"I just got some glass on me, but I'll be okay," I said. Then I looked at his arm where the snake bit him. "Do you need some Wolf's Bane?"
"I heal ten times fast than most humans."
"That must be handy."
The next morning, I woke up to feel something scruffy tingling the side of my neck. I looked over to see Dorian pressed up against me,"
"spooning against my body. Noticing that I was awake, he snuck up under my ear and sniffed my lightly.
"Do I still smell like him?" I asked with a groggy tone.
"Not anymore," he said deeply.
"Who do I smell like then? You?
"No," he growled. "You smell like just you."
I turned my head around and saw Dorian staring at me with an intense expression. He leaned over and kissed me passionately on the mouth. My body turned to his, gripping his wide back. He felt smooth and a lot less dangerous in my arms. Dorian pushing his mouth harder against my neck and rolled on top of"
"me. I could feel the weight of his naked body pressing down on me. I put my hands to the back of his head, feeling his silky hair run through my fingers.
Dorian pulled his head under the sheets and I could feel his tongue sliding down my stomach. It circled my navel just before I felt his warm mouth collect my erection in it. Slowly, he moved on it with his mouth. Every movement sent shockwaves around my body. Suddenly, he jumped to the top of the sheets where my face met his.
"I want to wait," he said. "There's something you need to know."
"What is that?" I asked, still hot from what he did under the sheets."
"Shifters, like myself, aren't like everyday people," he started. "We fall in love extremely quickly."
"So what does that mean?" I asked.
"Once we make love, I'll be totally in love with you."
I liked the sound of that. Still, I knew that I wasn't sure where along the path I was to loving this man.
"How old are you?" I asked. Dorian only looked a few years older than me, no older than in his late twenties.
"Shifters also age a lot slower than humans," he replied. "I'll be one hundred years old next month."
"One hundred?" I gasped. "You look really, really good for being a hundred."
"Thanks," he laughed. It was the first time that I saw him laugh. Seeing this giant turn gentle was the biggest turn on of all.
"Should I get going?" I asked, looking around for my clothes.
"Justin," he started. "I'm so sorry but you can never go home and stay alive."
"What?" I asked, astonished.
"The other shifters have smelled you and have more than likely told others about you," he said. "You would be a rare treat for them and they'll be on the lookout for you."
"Oh," I said. I looked up at the ceiling and then to be the big walls surrounding us in Dorian's bedroom.
"I'm so sorry," he said, curling up to me. "I'll always be here with you until we can work things out to get you home."
There I was, one day in the future from a time when I didn't know anything about werewolves and shifters. Now that I did, it seemed to be the adventure I was looking for. As for Dorian, seeing him curled up next to me with a grin on his face, I could tell he liked not being a lone wolf anymore.

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