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It was out of my hands now and no turning back. The situation I put myself in was both scary and exhilarating. In that moment, I knew that this was exactly when I needed.

There wasn't a response from anyone from the application. I browsed a few guys I thought were good looking, but decided not to message anyone. Then I realized that I needed a caption.
Nice guy who "I stopped myself. Everyone likes a nice guy, but no one wants to fuck one.
Just looking around to see what's out there.

Now I went from nice to cliché. I had a hard time deciding which was worse, so I chose to tell the truth.

I love going to the beach and later finding an escape from the heat.

It wasn't perfect, but it was simple and to the point. I didn't want to give it too much thought, so I put the phone down and walked into the kitchen. Just as I turned the corner, I heard a chime from my phone. Peaking my head back in the room, I saw the screen of my device brighten up with a notification.

1 New Message, it read." "Already? I thought. I opened up the app to see it was from a guy in a black tank top standing on a cliff about the beach. He was muscular and looked tall with longer, pulled back hair. He would be completely menacing looking if the photo of him wasn't taken at the beach. I looked at his stats, but they were blank except for the letter D where his name was. His profile read:
Summer is here and I'm enjoying every day of it.
It was also short and to the point also. Then I decided to investigate his message.
Hey there... how's your day going?
His chat seemed harmless. Maybe this guy was nice. I wasn't really looking for nice, but then" "again, I wasn't sure what I was looking for at all.
Doing well. How about your day? I wrote back.
Moments later, he responded.
I'm just relaxing at home. Are you up to no good?
I laughed aloud when I read that. I wondered if he was being funny or partially serious with me.
Maybe... Haha, no, not really. I'm just at home myself. It's really hot today.
I wasn't sure how to respond to if I was up to no good.
Your profile says that you're trying to escape the heat... why are you on here then? ;-)
I laughed again. This guy was good at this." "I'm at home doing that and failing miserably. Are you just on here to hook up?
A minute went by before he wrote back.
Do you really want to know the truth to that question?
I thought for a moment why he might write that and answered back.
Then he typed.
I'm looking for a good time... but also something deeper. What are you on here for?

I realized that I didn't know why I was on there. Something about this guy got me feeling wild all over again." "I'm just seeing what comes my way, I responded.
Come over, he wrote.
I didn't even know this guy. I didn't know his name or what he wanted to do with me. Still, with a week ahead of me and a lingering buzz, I felt a bit adventurous.
Tell me your name first. Mine is Justin.

Hello, Justin, I'm Dorian.
Dorian, I thought, was a sexy name. I wondered if he made it up.

Are you coming over now?
He sent a GPS coordinate in the app to where he was. My head told me not to go, but every other part of me was excited about the prospect. What was the worst that could happen? I thought. I could look up on the web"

"where I was going and see that
everything was fine.
Sitting up, I leaned over the side of my bed and found my laptop. I flipped it open and searched for a street view of the address. It wasn't listed as a direct view of the house, but from the aerial option, I could tell that it was near the beach, in a very nice part of the city just a mile or two away. I thought about it and my deepening boredom.
Ok. See you in a few

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