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I walked into the main room and put on my clothes. Dorian stepped to the end of the hallway and stood in the shadows. The main room was now completely dark, only light by the moon, which was just a few days shy of being full.
"Good night," he said from the opening of the hall.
"See you tomorrow night," I looked up to smile at him, but he was gone."
"I walked out of the house and onto the path along the dark green grass until I reached my car. I started the ignition and drove out from the curbside of Dorian's front gates. The trees cast their shadows around the roads as I drove out from the neighborhood on the cliffs. That was when I heard my phone ring.
"Hello?" I said, answering my phone on my car speakers.
"Hey, bitch," said my friend Jonathan. "What are you doing?"
"I just got back from a guy's house," I said with a tinge of mischief in my voice.
"What the what?" he gasped. "Spill it!"
"It's crazy," I started. "I met this guy and-"
"Did you meet him on an app?"
"You are such a slut!" Jonathan giggled.
"Whatever, you do this all of the time," I pointed out.
"Did he fuck you silly in his tiny little apartment?"
"Actually," I got ready to brag. "He lives in a giant mansion on the cliffs."
"Jackpot!" Jonathan yelled. "Am I in the wedding?"
"Whatever, bitch. So tell me about how big his cock is."
"I didn't see it..."
"What did I tell you, Justin; you're such a tease!"
"I wanted it!" I defended. "He just wouldn't get naked."
"Were you naked?"
"He made me put on a jockstrap."
"Kinky motherfucker!"
"It was totally kinky!" I laughed.
"So when are you guys going to fuck?"
"It's crazy," I began. "He wants me to go into a bar so that people around can smell him on me."
"Is that even a thing?" questioned Jonathan about the scent.
"I'm not sure," I said. "But this guy was so hot and I'm always so reserved. I figured that I should just do it and see what happens."
"I'm coming," he said. "If some crazy shit happens tonight, I'll need to bear witness."
"Two-Dollar Tuesday

I parked in my spot at my apartment complex and walked toward the bar. The streets were much more crowded now than during the day. It was definitely a neighborhood with a lot of boys all looking to have fun any night of the week. When I walked up to the bar entrance, I saw Jonathan waiting for me outside.
"You take forever, ho," he said. We hugged, showed the bouncer our ID's and walked inside. The place was packed with wall-to-wall"
"uys talking loudly over the thumping dance music.
"Why is it so crowded on a Tuesday night?" I asked.
"It's two-dollar-Tuesday," Jonathan said, looking around. A seven-foot tall drag queen emerged from the crowd and looked over at Jonathan. She bent down and they gave each other a kiss on each cheek before she moved on to greet more people.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"That's Daffodil," he said. "She was on a TV show recently and thinks she's hot shit. Which, of course, everyone knows she is."
"I never saw that one," I admitted. When it came to gay culture, I was always a little bit out of the"
"loop. Jonathan was a few years older than me and never felt shy about telling what I needed to know.
"Let's go get a drink," he said and I followed him through the mass of people. We had to shove through nearly everyone and I felt warm bodies pressing up against me. One guy reached down and grabbed me.
"Some dude just touched my ass," I said to Jonathan.
"Only one?" he replied.
We got to the front of the bar and I saw, Mark, the same bartender from earlier that day. He was pouring a bunch of small drinks and handing them to guys leaning over the bar."
"Those drinks are tiny," I said noticing small plastic cups filled with ice.
"They're two dollars," Jonathan retorted. "It's cheap alcohol in tiny, little plastic cups."
"I think that bartender's hot," I said pointing at Mark. "Too bad he's straight."
"That's what he says," Jonathan scoffed. "I don't think any of these guys are completely straight. No one is, in my book. I fingered a girl in tenth grade and it gave me a boner. Then again, I also might have just liked her boyfriend and thought about where his dick had been."
"Gross," I laughed.
"What'll it be, boys," Mark said, sliding over to us. He seemed to notice"
"notice me. "Oh, hey! Justin right?"
"Yep, how are you?" I asked.
"It's been a good night," he replied. "You guys want house specials?"
"We're not drinking that shit," said Jonathan. "Give us each top shelf vodka sodas."
"Coming right up," Mark said taking two glasses and shoving them into the ice bin in front of him.
"Top shelf?" I asked, slightly panicked. "I work retail and there's no way I can afford that!"
"It's okay, babe, I got it," Jonathan said taking out his credit card.
"Thanks," I said, smiling and feeling a bit relieved."
"You can repay me when you marry that hot guy with the mansion."
Mark came back with the drinks and Jonathan handed him the credit card.
"Open or closed?" asked Mark and Jonathan gestured to keep it open. I reached to pick up the glasses and Mark put his hand on mine.
"It was good seeing you again," he said with a smile.
"You, too," I smiled back. Mark leaned down and kissed the top of my hand. All of a sudden, I saw his eyes widen and his nostrils flare. He sprang back. For a moment, I thought I saw his eyes reflect the lamplights like that of a cat"
"I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend," Mark snarled.
"I don't'..." I said in confusion. Mark stepped away slowly and left the bar area.
"What the fuck just happened?" asked Jonathan with the straw from his drink hanging from his mouth.
"I have no idea," I said with a wide-eyed expression.
We spent the rest of the night drinking before moving onto a tiny dance area in the back. A few guys showed up that Jonathan knew and they started dancing together. They began to grind on each other when a tall, thin man walked up to me slowly. He was attractive with piercing green eyes and nearly perfectly symmetrical features. He also had a "tattoo in a black design that swirled across the left side of his neck and disappeared under his shirt. There was just something extremely intense about this man's appearance.
"Hello," said the thin man. "How is your evening?"
I stopped dancing as I gazed up at him.
"It's going well," I said. "How about yours?"
"Tell me," he began. "Why are you here this evening."
"What do you mean?" I laughed a little. "I'm out with my friend."
"Tell him that he must come around more often," said the thin man.
"Jonathan?" I said looking back at Jonathan who was dancing slowly"
"with two guys grinding against him. "I think he comes her pretty often."
"Not him!" snapped the thin man. His eyes widened as he bent close to my face. Having this short of a distance from me, made me feel like at any moment he was going to strike. "You smell like something I've never tasted before."
"Excuse me?" I asked. This guy would be extremely creepy if I didn't find him so attractive.
"Tell Dorian that Roman says hello."
"Dorian?" I asked. Before I could say anything else, Roman bent back up and disappeared into the crowd"

Woah freaky so what do you think

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