"The Lone Wolf

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"The Lone Wolf

"Dorian?" I asked in disbelief.
"Hi," he said standing up. I saw his naked body for the first time and, though I was in shock, I couldn't help but to take the sight of him in. His muscles were perfect from his wide shoulders to his swollen chest and his rock hard abs right above his beautiful, hanging cock.
"Did you just turn from being a wolf?" I couldn't believe what was happening."
"I did," he said walking quickly toward me. "But we have to get out of here. Someone is going to walk up soon and see that there's a dead man on the side of the road."
We walked a couple of blocks and around the corner where a black Lamborghini was parked. Dorian reached into a nearby bush and pulled out a set of keys. He pushed a button and the car lights flashed.
"Get in," he said as he walked around to the driver's seat and sat down. I did what I was told and opened the upward swinging door and slid onto the seat. Dorian was pulling up a pair of gray, striped shorts. He ignited the car, revved the engine, and I buckled my seatbelt just in time to feel the car pull"
"me into the seat like an extreme gravitational force.
"What the hell just happened?" I questioned.
"I asked you if you were open to anything," he said with a strict tone.
"I was open to anything real! Not werewolf and were... cat stuff!"
"Do I need to tell you that nobody is allowed to know about this?" Dorian demanded.
"No one would believe me anyway. Why did Mark just try to kill me?"
"He must have smelled me on you and went nuts."
"You told me to go to the bar tonight! Did you want me to die?"
"I'm sorry," Dorian began. "I smelled that Mark had scented you"
"and those big werecats have a nasty habit of stalking and killing everything they scent. If I didn't overpower the scent, he would have never known to stay away."
"Scented me? Did he put piss or something in my drink when I wasn't looking?"
Dorian glanced over at me briefly but didn't answer.
"Gross..." I grumbled.
When we arrived at Dorian's house, we pulled up the driveway and parked in a garage with several other cars covered by large cloths. I stepped out of the car and the door swung downward behind me. Dorian led the way through a path from the garage to a small outdoor area"
"and into a side door that entered the house.
"Here," Dorian said looking at my wounds. "Let me fetch something to clean those with."
I moved to a large couch in the middle of a room I hadn't been in before. This space was just as big as the main entrance, but there was a television, a sound system, and a view through large glass windows of a bright pool in the backyard. Dorian returned a few minutes later and sat next to me. In his hand was a small vile of a gray liquid.
"What is that?" I asked.
"Wolf's Bane," he said opening the cap to the vile. "It's an ancient concoction that should be able to heal you."
"Dorian applied a small amount of the liquid to his fingertips and removed my tattered shirt from my body. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed the concoction into my wounds. At first it stung, causing me to wince. Just moments later, my body felt at peace.
"So, people can change into animals?" I asked still trying to take everything in.
"Not everyone," he said. "Just some people can."
"Can you turn into any animal? I asked.
"No," Dorian said. "The members of my family are all wolves."
"Where is your family?" I asked.
"Dead," he said. "I'm the only one and without a pack. I'm a lone"
"I'm so sorry," I said in awe. "How do other people not know... about..." I started to feel dizzy.
"That's the Wolf's Bane," Dorian said, smiling.
"Why... are... you... so happy?" I asked as my head started to feel heavy.
"You are responding to the medicine better than I expected. In a moment, your head will clear."
Just as he said, I started to feel better. I looked on my skin and only saw small pink patches where new skin had formed where the cuts and gashes were.
"Amazing," I said in a breathy tone. "How did you-"
"Shh!" commanded Dorian. He looked intensely through the window. At first, I couldn't see what he was staring at, but after a few seconds, I saw it myself. A giant snake was gliding along the top of the water in his pool."

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