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The boy underneath him was hot and sweat slicked and George could feel him desperately trying to squirm forward so he could rub his cock against the sheets of his bed. He grabbed him by the hips and jerked backwards, pulling the pale flesh underneath him up against his chest. Wrapped one arm around the molly’s pale, lightly muscled chest to hold him in place and used his other hand to tilt the boy’s face toward him. Bit at the reddened, bee stung lips. “Did I give you permission to do that Benjamin?” George growled as he pistoned his hips into the slender young man held captive on top of him.

“I…” Benjamin let out a high, needy whine and George tightened his grip, pulling himself higher on his knees and off his heels so he could slam harder into the undignified sprawl of hot needy flesh currently riding his lap.

“Benjamin,” he said, his voice low with a warning as he slammed into his favorite whore. “Answer me.”

“No.” The boy gasped and George could see tears leaking from the sides
of his eyes. “No, sir. I just…please sir. Please, I need to come. I need it so bad it hurts.”

“Well it will hurt longer now,” George murmured as he let go of the boy’s chin and grabbed his long cherry wood colored hair instead, jerking his head back. “I don’t reward sluts who can’t follow the rules. Grab the headboard.”

He tilted the boy forward so Benjamin was on his knees, bent over and clinging to the headboard as George grabbed two large handfuls of his hips and began to slam into the boy. Heard Benjamin whining in need between the steady thwap, thwap of the headboard scraping the wall. The squeak of the bed ropes underneath them. The scrape as the frame jerked from his force. Could hear the window rattling from the impact of the headboard against the wall.

“Please,” Benjamin wailed. “Please, Sir. Please.”

He grabbed the boy’s hair and jerked his head back. “Shut up.” Snapped his hips. Then again. Twice more and he felt his release building in his stomach. Fucked harder into the boy and grunted between his grit teeth as he emptied himself into the waiting body in front of him.

Let out a low groan and then pulled away. Smacked the boy on the arse affectionately and then levered himself out of the bed. “God you've got a lovely arse,” George muttered as he stood and stretched.

Benjamin turned his head to stare at George and he took in the boy’s wide eyes, the pupils blown so wide that there was only the faintest ring of blue around the pupils. His face was read and sweat soaked and he was panting. His chest heaving. George glanced down as the boy peeled his hands off the headboard and saw that Benjamin’s cock was still strawberry red, angry and swollen, fluids leaking from the tip.

“You might take care of that before you clean yourself up for the morning.” George slipped into his own clothes and turned to the mirror to tie his cravat.

“Do you not wish to…” he saw Benjamin’s reflection staring at him in the mirror, his wide eyes hopeful. “You might enjoy helping. I can be ever so pretty for you sir.”

“I think not.” He didn’t meet the boy’s eyes. “I’ve finished and I have places to be.”

He finished his cravat and then quickly buttoned his waistcoat. Grabbed the black overcoat that he wore and slipped it on. He kept his head close shaved so he didn’t need to worry about his hair being in disarray.

“Besides,” he glanced at the boy’s reflection in the mirror. “You know I’ve no concern with what you choose to do when we’ve finished.”

He fished a small bag of coins out of his coat pocket and dropped it on the side table next to the bed.

“But only one of us have finished,” Benjamin muttered.

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