chapter 27

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"A little bird has whispered a secret in my ear," Lafayette said as he came close to Alexander, his lips brushing his ear.

"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow and glanced over his shoulder at the other man.

Lafayette reached into Alexander's pocket and slipped his flask free, replacing it with another—identical— one that was full before pocketing the empty one that Alexander had brought with him. "A little bird told me that today is your birthday my little lion cub."

"Tomorrow is my birthday," Alexander answered, resisting the urge to reach for the new flask and take a long drink of it. He'd learned to ignore the swampy taste and found that now instead of just tolerating the drink for the numbness it caused he was actually craving it. Dreamed of it at night and woke with his tongue itching to taste it.

George had kept him busy last week and he'd gone a day without a flask of it and had been certain he would die. His skin had itched and he'd cycled from hot to cold and back again rapidly, his hair drenched in sweat as if a killing fever had just broken in his body. His stomach had cramped and he'd been unable to eat. Dying of thirst and his temples pounding. Ever since he'd measured his doses carefully and didn't drain the flask itself until just before entering the carriage for whatever social function would allow him to see Lafayette again. He wouldn't risk going without again and suffering as he had.

"It is just past midnight my sweet cub," Lafayette said. "And may I be the first to wish you a most happy birthday. There is no prettier belle of twenty in all of the Louisiana Territories."

"I would hardly call myself a belle," Alexander retorted as they watched the ladies in their fluffy skirts twirling about the ballroom with their partners.

He watched as John Laurens spun past with Angelica, dancing a country rondo and smiled as the other man deftly avoided getting entangled in the woman's huge sapphire skirts. "As you well know."

"Would I?" Lafayette asked, his voice nonchalant. "You've been quite the blushing maiden on our few solo outings in my carriage. Curled up in my lap and mewling like a kitten as I nibble on your ears and play with those delightful nipples of yours."

Alexander coughed and looked around them, wondering if anyone else had heard the Marquis. It wasn't that he was ashamed-- exactly-- it was just that he'd prefer to keep their current relationship discreet. He knew that what they were doing was frowned upon in New Orleans society. It was one thing for a gentleman to keep a mistress or even a boy but for two young gentlemen to sport that way with each other would be looked at askance. One of them would have to play the maiden and no gentleman would ever admit to such a thing. And for a situation such as theirs where there were three gentlemen and an unmarried young lady of one of the best houses? If it became public the scandal would embroil all of the American exiles and their support from those remaining in the colonies, as well as the French and Spanish royal courts, would disappear like a puff of smoke.

Besides that? Alexander knew that George was suspicious that he'd started an affair with the Marquis — and he suspected that George knew he'd entered into one with John Laurens and Angelica Schuyler as well— but unless it was directly flaunted in his face there would be no repercussions. If the Marquis made their connection public though? Alexander's stomach twisted and his heart began to flutter at the idea of George confronting the other man. Calling him out. He'd stake a claim to Alexander publicly.

"I would think that Laurens and our dear Lady Angelica could ascertain for you that I am in fact quite male."

"Oh yes," the Marquis laughed teasingly into his ear. "They've both been quite complimentary about your many endowments. Laurens has in fact declared that you are quite certainly his favorite meal. I was almost put out by that declaration but I've always known the boy is fickle and there are other ways that he can be used pleasurably. Although, once again both of them have mentioned that you're less than inclined to move the relationship forward."

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