Chapter 37

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"Alexander!" He froze as the carriage door flew open and

George barreled out of it, grabbing him the by nape of his neck

and shaking him. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"I..." Alexander stared at him.

"And I think that is my cue to drive on." Thomas Jefferson

said from the carriage. "Unless you would prefer I leave you the


"We'll walk." George said as he grabbed Alexander by the

waist and lifted him bodily over his broad shoulder, holding him

steady at the knees.

"Right then." Jefferson stared at him wide eyed as George

turned on his heel and started back toward their townhouse.

"Good day."

"What were you thinking?" George snarled as he stomped back

to their gate and pushed inside.

"Mister Alexander!" Daniella's voice sounded worried. "What

are you doing outside? You told me—"

"We'll talk later," George snarled and Alexander winced at

the heat in his tone. "You were told not to leave him alone for

this reason. If I would not have been on my way home he'd have

escaped into the city and then who knows what would have

happened to him?"

"Yes Sir." Daniella's voice wavered as George swept past

her and up the stairs.

Alexander looked up and saw her staring at him with wide,

fear filled eyes.

"You should not blame—"

A heavy hand came down across his arse and Alexander bit

back a howl of pain.

George didn't stop, simply marched up the stairs and

shouldered his own door open before dropping Alexander onto the

bed and kicking the door shut behind them. "What were you


He looked at the box Alexander was still clutching and his

eyes widened as the color drained from his face. "You were going

back to him? To the Marquis. You were going to go beg him to

take you as his boy."

Heat bloomed in Alexander's stomach as he stared at the

other man. "You left me."


He threw the box at the other man's head and watched as

George stepped to the side, letting it fly harmlessly past and

crash against the door. "You left me."

"I was trying to do what was best for you."

"You are what is best for me! Why do you refuse to see


"Because you deserve better than me."

He stared at the broken man in front of him as George's

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