chapter 29

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His eyes flew open and suddenly he could breathe again. There was...

George had never started when he'd been asleep before--had always woken him-- had wanted Alexander to share in the pleasure of their lovemaking. Why had he—

"Laurens," A voice purred into his ear as the person behind him— not George— definitely not George— thrust again and Alexander bit back a groan as the heat around his cock tightened. More suction. More heat. "It seems our birthday boy has revived again."

"Please," he whimpered. Please make it stop. Please let them be finished.

"Don't worry my little lion," Lafayette murmured as he began to thrust harder, faster, grunting with the effort of every thrust. "We're almost done. You've been such a good boy. Such an eager boy."

He felt a hand on his knee and his leg was lifted and pushed back so that it was slung over the hip behind him, opening him wider. Heard a whimper and looked down to see John Laurens, his mouth shiny with spit and stretched around Alexander's length scrambling to reposition himself.

"Are you going to come for me, Alexander?" Lafayette managed between gasps of air as he pumped his hips back and forth, striking that spot inside Alexander that had always made him shiver and tremble for George. Except, unlike George, Lafayette wasn't caressing it but slamming against that tight knot of nerves and it ached like being battered with a strap under Big John's hands in one of the cane sheds. A dull, thwapping pain that spiked with each thrust and made him see red spots in front of his eyes.

"I—" He swallowed back as his scream as John Laurens swallowed around his length and began to suck harder. Sharp pricks of pain flared along his length and the head of his cock felt like a blister, ready to burst from fullness. The skin sensitive and angry and painful to the slightest touch. His stones felt as if they were overfull, the skin stretched to splitting. Every thrust would jerk his body into John Laurens' mouth and the pain in his front would briefly flare, consuming the pain from behind and then Lafayette would thrust and the agony would begin again.

"John has taken that nasty ring of his off you," Lafayette continued. "There is nothing to stop you now sweet one. All you must do is relax into it. Let it come sweet boy."

A hand wrapped into his sweat slicked hair and pulled his head back. "Let it come, Alexander. Let John swallow it down and find your bliss sweet thing."

Lafayette thrust against him again, a sharp jab this time and Laurens sucked hard enough to bruise and suddenly heat flashed through his veins and his entire body was on fire. He twisted in the flames, convulsing against the sheer agony racing through his body and down his cock. Fire poured from his body as Laurens sucked harder, groaning in what sounded like bliss as barbed fire coursed out of his body. He screamed as Lafayette thrust again and let out a strangled moan of his own, releasing into Alexander.

"It's all right sweetling," Lafayette said as he slipped free, still cradling Alexander as he twisted and fought to get away from Laurens' mouth causing him such pain. "It's all right."

"Enough now." The Frenchman reached around Alexander to push at Laurens' forehead, pushing him away from Alexander. "You've drunk it all you spoiled boy."

Laurens whined as he stared up at them.

Alexander moaned, his entire body a raw, exposed nerve throbbing with pain.

"It's all right my sweet boy," Lafayette continued as Laurens slithered up the bed and pressed against Alexander's front, wrapping his arms around him as well so that he was cocooned on both sides by the other two men. Trapped between them. "You did so well for me last night."

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