Chapter 39

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Quebec City, 5 years later

"She was very beautiful," George said carefully as he made

his way to the washbasin and began to undo his cravat.

"Mademoiselle DuVadry."

The door behind him slammed and George couldn't help the

way his shoulders flinched. He knew he was treading on dangerous

territory but he felt as if he had no choice.

Alexander was twenty-five now and still unmarried. He

refused to even attempt to court one of the young ladies in

Quebec City. Would not even pretend to deign them with a look.

But tonight, tonight, he danced with the Mademoiselle twice and

he'd danced with her at every other ball that had been held

during the Season. It was more than he danced with anyone else.

Ever. Perhaps, his boy had found someone who interested him?

He swallowed as he thought about it. He'd promised himself

that if this moment ever came he would be gracious.

His boy was young and he should want to find a nice young

lady and marry. He needed a nice girl. Someone to give him

babies with his dark eyes and quick wit. Someone to spoil him

and pet him and keep careful watch over him so that he did not

slip. George was not getting any younger and Alexander would

need someone to care for him when George was gone. A sweet wife

would be just what he needed.

"What is her given name again?" George slipped his cravat

from his neck and slipped out of his coat, hanging it on the

coat tree next to the basin. He started on his cuffs. "Amelie?

She's from a good family of course. And not too young. Twenty.

Her father has of course mentioned that she is a bit serious. He

blames the nuns at the convent where she was educated, but I've

never found a woman with sense to be a burden. You might


"No one else asks her to dance," Alexander said sharply.

"At the balls. No one asks Lady Amelie to dance, not since her

first season, when she accidentally trod on the Comte

d'Artagnan's youngest son's toes during a rondo. She is

nearsighted and her father doesn't let her wear her specs in

public and she misjudged the space and stepped down on his foot.

He laughed at her and gave her the cut direct in the middle of

the ballroom and she's become a wallflower."


"But she is fluent in French, English, and German, and is

well read in all three languages. She reads Latin and Greek and

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