Chapter 3: The Battle

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Aerlinniel's POV

"You could have picked a better spot," Gimli complains. 

We are waiting for the Orcs to come. They are almost here, I can hear their heartbeats and their marching feet in the distance. I am standing next to Legolas and Gimli is on the other side of him. Aragorn walks over to us. 

"Well, lad." Gimli says to Aragorn, "Whatever luck you live by, let's hope it lasts the night."

"Your friends are with you Aragorn," Legolas tells him. 

"Let's hope they last the night," Gimli adds. 

Aragorn walks away and starts to shout orders to the Elves. 

"What's happening out there?" Gimli asks frustrated.

"Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" Legolas question. Gimli laughs and I smile. Legolas can be so funny. It is one of the reasons I love him so much. He can make me smile even when I am feeling sad.

After a while, the Orcs make it to the front of Helm's Deep. I then hear an Arrow shoot out and an Orc groan and fall over.

"Dartho! (Hold!)" Aragorn shouts. Then the Orcs shout and they all start to advance.

"Tangado a chadad! (Prepare to fire!)" Aragorn again shouts.

"Faeg i-varv dun na lanc a nu ranc. (Their armour is weak at the neck and beneath the arm.)" Legolas informs us.

Then Aragorn commands, "Leithio i philinn! (Release the arrows)"

I hear many arrows fly through the air and hit the Orcs.

"Did they hit anything?" Gimli asks, but does not get an answer. Gimli starts to get impatient and doesn't want to have to wait to fight. "Send them to me! Come on!"

"Pendraith! (Ladders!)" Aragorn warns.

"Good!" Gimli exclaims.

"Swords! Swords!" Aragorn commands and I pull out my sword.

"Aerlinniel," Legolas says my name.

"Yes, Legolas?"

He pauses a moment before saying, "Be careful. Please."

"I will, I promise," I promise him and quickly kiss his cheek. "You be careful too."

I hear the Orcs are getting close and swing my sword at one of them. Then fighting two more almost immediately after I had killed the first one.

"Legolas! Two already!" Gimli shouts.

Legolas then tells him, "I'm on 17!"

"I'll have no pointy-ear outscoring me!" Gimli scoffs.

"Nineteen!" Legolas shouts as I kill another Orc. 


I have been fighting for a while. I have strayed away from Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn. I can still hear their heartbeats, so I know that they are still alive. I listen to hear who is close by me and find that Haldir is not too far away. But, he is surrounded by Orcs, so I go over to help him. I kill two Orcs and Haldir quickly thanks me. I decide to stay by him since I am not near the others.

Legolas POV

"The fortress is taken. It is over." King Theoden states sadly.

We are waiting in a room behind a door that the Uruk-hai are trying to get through. Aragorn and I are barricading the door.

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