Chapter 15: Alive

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Aerlinniel POV

"Sam!" I call out to him.

He's alive! I can't believe he is alive! We all thought they did not make it.

"Aerlinniel!" He shouts back and I hear him run up to me.

I kneel down and embrace the Hobbit. If he is alive, does that mean Frodo is alive too?

"You have know idea how happy I am to see you. Is Frodo here?" I ask him, standing back up.

"Yes, Gandalf is with him. I will show you where they are." He replies and I follow him until we are close enough for me to hear Frodo's heartbeat.

I run into the room, others are in here too. Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, and Gimli. They are laughing and telling stories. Not wanting to interrupt, I stand back with Sam.

Finally, Sauron has been defeated. I am glad that everyone is so happy. The only thing that would make me happier, is if Legolas was here. But, he is healing and resting. I was told not to bother him. Hopefully I shall be able to talk to him soon.

I then hear another heartbeat coming towards the room. It is Lord Elrond. I quickly walk out of the room and over to him.

"Lord Elrond. Is Legolas awake? Can I talk to him now?" I question him.

"Sorry, Aerlinniel. He is not yet awake. But, I will allow you in his room as long as you promise to let him rest. He needs to if you want him to heal." He tells me.

Bowing to him, I promise, "I will not wake him. Thank you, Lord Elrond.

"You are very welcome, Lady Aerlinniel." He tells me and I follow him to the room Legolas is in.

Lord Elrond then walks away. I take a deep breath and walk into the room. It makes me feel better hearing Legolas' heartbeat.

I walk over to him and sit carefully on the bed he is laying on and gently grab his hand. As I sit here holding his hand, I cannot help but wish I could see his face.

Hopefully one day.


I had been sitting with Legolas for a while before someone comes in the room. It is Frodo. I give a smile and stand up.

"Let's go somewhere else so we don't wake Legolas." I whisper to him.

We both walk out of the room and walk around for a while, neither of us talking. There is an understanding between us. We've both been through a lot. So, we are just walking around and enjoying one another's company.

Our silence is interrupted by Merry and Pippin.

"Frodo, Aerlinniel! We have been told that Lord Elrond is going to have a feast tonight to celebrate. Will you come?" Pippin asks us.

"I will go if Frodo goes." I reply, giving them a smile.

"What do you say, Frodo? Will you come?" Merry questions.

Frodo is silent for a moment before answering, "Alright, I will come."

I honestly really was not up to going. Especially since Legolas has still not woken up yet. But, maybe I need this. It will probably do me some good if I go.

I just hope nothing goes wrong.


Oh my Gondor. There is only one more chapter left and then we are on to the last book! O.o I cannot believe it! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Updated are every Sunday!

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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