Author's Note

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I am so very sorry that I have not updated in awhile.

This past month has been very hard. I keep trying to write, but I am not writing at my best. I have been so stressed, there is just so much going on. When I write, I always try to make it the best that it can be. And I have not been able to do that lately. You all deserve long and interesting chapters. 

Even though I am still struggling, I am doing my best to stay positive. I will keep working on the next chapter for this book. I am hoping to update it Thursday. Thank you to those of you who understand. You all mean the world to me and you can always make me smile when I am having a bad day.

I love you soooooo much my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

Protecting Them (Book Eight in the Aerlinniel's Secret Series)Where stories live. Discover now