Chapter 7: The Way Is Shut

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Legolas POV

We are getting ready to head for Dunharrow. Since Aerlinniel is with Gandalf and Pippin, I have to now share a horse with Gimli.

"Horsemen! I wish I could muster an army of Dwarves, fully armed and filthy." Gimli complains.

"Your kinsmen may have no need to ride to war. I fear war already marches on their own lands." I tell him.

King Theoden then speaks, "Now is the hour, Riders of Rohan. Oaths you have taken. Now fulfil them all, to Lord and Land! Hah!"


"Make way for the King! Make way, the King is here."

"My lord!"

"Hail to you sire!"

"Grimbold, how many?" King Theoden asks.

Grimbold replies, "I bring 500 men from the Westfold, my lord."

"We have 300 more from Fenmarch, Theoden King."

King Theoden then questions, "Where are the riders from Snowbourn?"

"None have come, my lord." A soldier answers him.

"Six thousand spears, less than half of what I had hoped for."

"Six thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor." Aragorn states.

"More will come."

"Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat. We have until dawn then we must ride."

King Theoden nods his head in agreement. We go over to Eomer who is saddling his horse.

"The horses are restless and the men are quiet," I state to him.

"They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain," He tells me.

"That road there where does that lead?" Gimli asks, pointing to a pathway in the mountain.

"It is the road to the Dimholt, the door under the mountain."

"None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil." Eomer mentions and then walks away.

He walks away.


Gimli and I watch as Aragorn walks through the camp towards the pathway through the mountain.

Protecting Them (Book Eight in the Aerlinniel's Secret Series)Where stories live. Discover now