Chapter 9: None Survived

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Aerlinniel POV

Faramir, some of the men, and I all are on our horses and are heading for battle. I know this is not a good idea, but there is no way of talking Faramir out of this. 

As we go through the city, I can feel the presence of sadness. It is so quiet. Too quiet for my liking. It gives me an uncomfortable feeling.

"Faramir!" I hear Gandalf call, "Faramir! Your father's will has turned to madness. Do not throw away your life so rashly."

"Where does my allegiance lie if not here?" Faramir questions. "This is the city of the men of Numenor. I will gladly give my life to defend her beauty, her memory, her wisdom."

"Your father loves you Faramir. He will remember it before the end." Gandalf states. "Aerlinniel, be careful." 

"I will, Gandalf."

When we get to the field, we all take off in a gallop, heading for battle. I am getting out my sword when I hear the whistling of arrows coming towards us. One is coming right at me, I move to the side, but I didn't move quickly enough. The arrow embedded itself in my leg. I let out a groan of pain but keep going.  

Pippin POV

I am not enjoying sitting here watching Lord Denethor eat. I'd leave if I could. But I have something more important to worry about. Or rather someone. I really hope Aerlinniel is alright. And Faramir too. I am pulled from my thoughts when Lord Denethor speaks.

 "Can you sing Master Hobbit?"

I hesitate before answering, "Well, yes.  At least well enough for my own people.  But we have no songs for great halls and evil times." 

"And why should your songs be unfit for my halls?  Come, sing me a song." He commands.

Sighing, I think of a song. There is only one I can think of that would be most fitting. So, I start to sing, "Home is behind, The world ahead,  And there are many paths to tread, Through shadow, to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow cloud and shade, All shall fade, All shall fade."

Finishing, I close my eyes and let my tears fall. Will I ever see my home again? Will I ever see Merry again? I guess I won't know for a while. For now, I am stuck in these halls.


It has been a while and I am still just sitting here. Suddenly someone bursts into the room, and shouts, "Lord Denethor, come quickly. It is Faramir." I follow him and Lord Denethor until we are outside. 

 "Faramir! Say not that he has fallen." Lord Denethor exclaims.

"They were outnumbered! None survived." A man tells him.

My mouth drops open as I stare at the man. "Wait...what about Aerlinniel?"

"I am sorry, but none survived." He repeats.

No, she can't be dead. 

"My sons are spent!" Lord Denethor mutters as he backs away from Faramir. "My line has ended!" 

I run over to Faramir and touch his face. He's breathing. 

"He's alive!" I exclaim.

"The house of Stewards has failed." Lord Denethor continues. Did he not hear me?

"He needs medicine, my lord!" I try again. But, still, he didn't her.

 "My line has ended!"

 "My lord!" I shout at him as he looks over the wall to the ground below. I do not know what he sees. But, whatever it is, it has him angry.

"Rohan has deserted us!" He frets and I hear a loud noise and the sound of falling rock. "Theoden's betrayed me! ABANDON YOUR POSTS! FLEE! FLEE FOR YOUR LIVES!" 

Denethor turns around and a white stick hits him in the face. Thank goodness. I am glad to see Gandalf. Gandalf then hits Denethor across the stomach with his staff and then hits him down to the floor across his back.

 "Prepare for battle. Hurry men! To the wall! Defend the wall! Over here! Return to your posts." Gandalf shouts.


I have been running. Running in a random direction. I am not sure where I am and I am confused. 

"Peregrin Took! Go back to the Citadel." Gandalf commands me.

"They called us out to fight," I state, looking over to see orcs coming at me. I don't know why, but I don't move. I feel like I am frozen, unable to move from this spot. Gandalf jumps and places himself in front of me and fights off the orcs.

"This is no place for a Hobbit!" Gandalf says as he continues fighting.

As one approaches Gandalf from behind, I finally snap out of whatever daze I was in. I draw my weapon and stab the orc, killing him. I look at my blood-smeared sword in shock. 

"Guard of the Citadel indeed!" Gandalf comments, smiling at me. Now back up the hill quickly. Quick!"

I ponder whether I should tell him about Aerlinniel but decide it is not the best time. So, I turn away and run up the steps, keeping my sword in my hand. How am I going to tell him that Aerlinniel didn't make it?


Hello, everyone! Omg, it feels so good to be writing again. I've missed it. Life got so much crazier and busier than I thought it was going to be. But, I've decided that I am not going to let that stop me from writing anymore. :) Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Updates will now just be every Sunday. 

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas, 

~Ellethwen <3

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