chapter two

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She sucked in a staggering breath. "Where will I go?" she couldn't help but ask.

"Well," Professor McGonagall began, "your parents did leave behind a will. In the will, your father stated that, should something happen to himself and your mother, you would be placed in the care of Molly and Arthur Weasley. They were friends. You will be going with them at the end of the semester."

___ began to cry as it sank in. She was alone; she had no other family. Not only that, but she would be staying with the Weasley family. She knew them, of course, and was glad that her parents had made friends with them despite what others said, but she couldn't deny the fear she had when she would tell her friends. And it wasn't like she was personally close to any of the children. Sometimes, Fred or George would smile at her and Molly would chat with her while she waited for the Hogwarts Express. But even Ron, someone she'd grown up with and played with as a child, had a certain disliking towards her because of her house and her friends.

"I am so sorry, dear," she hushed. "I cannot imagine the pain you must be feeling. Please, disregard any final exams your teachers may give. Professor Snape and Dumbledore both believe it to be the best way."

"What do I do?" she whispered.

"There's nothing anyone can do except for heal," Professor McGonagall spoke. The classes let out. ___ hid her face in her hair as she wept. She couldn't find room to be ashamed of the tears she was publicly shedding. Students began to whisper. ___ felt Professor McGonagall put her hands on her shoulders and shield her. "Perhaps we should find Professor Snape and Dumbledore."

She sobbed into her hand. ___ didn't see Draco standing at an archway of one of the exits in the castle, and she didn't know that he did see her. She didn't see the way his eyes widened as he noticed her tears, or that he stepped forward to reach for her, only to be stopped by Professor McGonagall's stern eyes.

Draco worried about her all day. She didn't come to any of her other classes that day, or show up to lunch, or sit inside of the Slytherin common room before bed. It wasn't like her to miss any classes, especially Herbology, which he knew was her favorite. She was incredibly intelligent in that area because she grew up being taught all of it. He asked everyone he knew spoke to her, but they all said the same.

"Didn't see her. Heard she was crying, though. Was she crying? Did you see?"

The next day, he was slumped in his seat. His fork poked at the eggs that sat untouched in the center of his plate. Breakfast wasn't nearly as enjoyable without her there. He took small bites through his worry, but mostly just played with his food.

He felt Goyle elbow him. Draco swatted him away and sent him a glare. Goyle, with his mouth stuffed with bread, pointed to the entrance to the Great Hall. Draco looked up and saw her. She was walking beside Professor Snape, her hair a mess and her eyes red and raw. He gulped and watched as she walked down the line of students who whispered and pointed at her when they knew Professor Snape couldn't see.

Draco pushed his friends over to make room for ___. She sat down on the bench and glanced up at Snape to nod solemnly. Snape sent the entire table a hard look before turning and walking to his own table.

"___," Draco whispered, "Where were you?"

She stared down at her plate. He watched as her eyes welled up with tears. Her hands were shaking violently. She tried to unfold her napkin and put it on her lap, but the quivering of her fingers made the silverware cling together loudly. A frustrated sob broke from her lips. Draco reached forward and took them from her. He unfolded the cloth and set her forks and spoons aside, handing her just the cloth.

"___," he pleaded, "talk to me."

"My parents," she breathed. She couldn't finish. She was crying.

"What about them?" he asked.

She shook her head. Draco noticed then that nearly every single eye was on her. He stiffened and glanced at the table of professors. Snape and McGonagall were rising out of their chairs. Draco wrapped an arm around her shoulders and helped her stand up.

"Mind your own bloody business, all of you," he hissed at the table.

Draco took ___ out of the room and stood with her in the quiet hall. She stood against the stone wall and sobbed, each roll of emotions shaking her shoulders and making her entire chest heave. Draco waited patiently, offering a hand on her shoulder.

"Talk to me," he pleaded again. "What about your parents?"

"They're gone," she said. Draco's eyes widened. She shook her head and put a shaking hand on his chest. "They're gone, Draco, they're gone-"

"Shhh..." He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her forward. Her face buried in the crook of his neck and his hands on her back, he let her cry for several long minutes. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape came out of the Great Hall to find them. Draco paid no attention to them as he comforted his hurting friend. They quietly left. "It's all right now. I've got you."

It couldn't be all right for long. She became unreachable, completely shut off from everything; work, meals, fun, and him. He couldn't get mad at her, though. She was going through one of the worst things imaginable.

He asked her what she was going to do and where she was going to go. She wouldn't tell him. It bothered Draco. He asked if she was still going to be going to Hogwarts. She nodded, much to Draco's relief. He was still itching to know who she would stay with. She declined any offers he gave out to her.

He walked out of Hogwarts with her. He sat beside her on the train. He put his hand on her arm when she saw children running up to their families with cheerful smiles. He told her that everything was going to be all right, and then he saw that she was looking at the Weasley family. She kept her hands wrapped around a tiny potted plant. A Dittany.

"Come on, ___," Ron said. "We're this way."

Draco scoffed. "Why would she go with-"

___ turned to him. "I'm staying with the Weasleys, now, Draco. It was in my mother and fathers' will that I do so. I hope-"

Draco dropped his hand from her arm. He was shocked to know that her pureblood, wealthy parents had even spoken to the Weasley family, let alone liked them enough to send their daughter to them in case of their death. Not only that, but he had been almost positive that she would be staying with them, since her father and his father were close friends as well. He sneered at her to cover his hurt.

"Your family is less pureblood than I thought," he said sharply. "I guess their deaths aren't that much of a loss. Anyone who sees them as decent people deserves the worst coming to them."

Her eyes welled up with tears. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened them to reveal several tears that fell down her red cheeks. Draco immediately wanted to take back what he had said, but he stayed silent. ___ grabbed her belongings and walked away without a word. He watched as she went, a heavy weight of guilt on his shoulders.

She spent the summer with the Weasleys. She was given a bed in a room she shared with Ginny. They were nice to her all of the time, but she often found herself being left out in things. She spent a majority of her summer up in her room, reading any book she could find and sleeping whenever her mind would let her fall asleep.

A week before school started, she was woken by Ron. He sat at the end of her bed and handed her a letter. "This came for you," he said, "and we're going to Hogsmeade for school supplies later today, so you might want to get ready."

"Thank you," she said. Ron left, and she stared down at the cream colored parchment in her hand. She unrolled it and, with a sickening lurch in her gut, saw that the writing was Draco's. The words scrawled on the page started something inside of her.

Sorry I was such a git. My family is going to Diagon Alley for school supplies tomorrow. Please meet me outside of Knockturn Alley at lunch. I want to talk to you.


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