Chapter 2

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~Elizabeth's pov~

Lunch came as my stomach rumbled Carson glanced at me and laughed.

"Someone is hungry" he said I rolled my eyes dragging him to the lunch line.

Jocks were talking about football while these weirdos make bird sounds and weird noises.

"They freak me out they might become killers in the future" I whispered to Carson he started rolling.

Clutching his stomach as he turned red "oh god Elizabeth!" He said gasping for air.

"Its the quiet ones you have to worry about" he said then going back to laughing I rolled my eyes walking away from him getting my lunch.

I payed walking out to bumped into someone and it dumps on that person.

I heard some girl scream I look up to see I spilled my spaghetti all over her.

"You…You pathetic bitch!" She yelled "I'm not your bitch!" I said looking at my finger nails.

"Why I outta-" I cut her off "we know shave got it cause you aren't fooling anyone with those legs!" I told her pointing to her hairy legs.

She gasped walking away "Bye friend!" I yelled waving her off she glared at me before finally leaving.

"She's nice" I said to myself "and I'm Santa" A voice said from behind me I turn to meet those cold eyes with no expression.

"I thought we were saying things that weren't true" he told me "yeah yeah don't you have to go see Justin Beiber preform now?" I asked he glared at me.

"I'm not gay" he hissed I rolled my eyes "yeah yeah what ever helps you sleep at night" I told him walking away to buy some more food.

That witch made me waste my money ugh people!!!!!


"Carson you hanging with me today?" I asked "no can do today I have plans with a hot red head" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ewww TMI, now I know what Tmi means To Much Idiot! Hey that describes you Carson!" I said as he dropped me.

"I dont know if that's a complement or an insult but I will go with complement bye" he said I got out "bye!" I yelled back.

I walked inside plopping on the couch putting 'Frozen' in. Hey your never to young!

I signed watching Anna sing to Elsa to see if she wants to build a snow man "just ask her like a normal person were not in high school musical don't burst into song not that I'm hating I love high school musical!" I yelled at the T.V

I continue watching frozen making sly comments every moment I could.

Few hours later:

I finished watching movies and decided to go to sleep.

I dragged myself up stairs as I yawned looking towards my bed as my eyes widen.

"Hello Princesa"


Cliff hangers are the worst that's why I had to do it.

Who is the mystery guy calling her 'Princesa'?

Till next time


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