Chapter 18

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Asher Williams above a.k.a Liam's best friend since forever!!(A/N) (Finn off of the hunger games)

"See you later beth"

~Elizabeth's pov~

Its been a week and I was a no show. How can you expect me to go when Carson isn't there.

Today is Monday of the second week.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I got up walking to my bathroom slowly I glanced in the mirror as I was astonished at my appearance.

I always had a smile now its a frown I had bags under my eyes my brown eyes don't twinkle anymore my hair had knots as old tears are still seen on my cheeks.

I quickly took a shower getting the knots out of my hair doing my makeup lightly I checked my appearance again and I was back to normal Elizabeth.

I signed pulling on a white shirt and overalls that were the shorts kind not the pants.

I pulled my white converse on straightening my golden brown hair putting some perfume on walking out grabbing my phone and bag heading downstairs to see Jace relaxing.

"Ready?" I asked his eyes widen "the beast has awoken" he called out just as Liam walked out of the kitchen with Asher.

Liam smiled at me I stood there with no emotion as he hugged me "I know its hard that your best friend left but he will come back he promised" he told me rubbing circles on my back.

That's when I realized something. Something that when I first met him I wouldn't have said.

I love Liam Haynes!

We pulled back as I signed happily "here" Asher said with a mouth fully throwing me fruity fruit cereal bar.

I laughed eating it quickly going to the bathroom brushing my teeth again coming out and we headed out the door.


When we arrived to school Asher got out pulling me and Liam aside.

Jace walked off to find Sarah.

"Okay since your back I will do now my dance and song" Asher said loudly as he grabbed a guys milkshake raise his shirt up above his chest showing his six pack.

Girls drooled over him while walking by as I rolled my eyes he cleared his throat.

He started to belly dance swinging the milkshake around singing "my milk shake brings all the boys to the yard damn right its better than yours damn right its better than yours" really badly as I bursted into laughter's.

"Stop Asher" I said while laughing he stopped throwing the guys milkshake back at him surprisingly he caught it. Asher pulled his shirt down dropping his arm around my shoulder.

"The things I do for you" he told me "we met two weeks ago" I told him "still the things I do to cheer you up" he said I laughed as we walked to class.


"Your. Stupid." I told Asher we were in lunch as he put a fake rat into the principles lunch.

"Wait for it" he said raising his pointer finger up "3. 2. 1" he said just as we heard her scream "oh shit you did the principle principle not the Vic- Principle" I said he nodded laughing.

"Asher Williams my office now" Principle Web came on I laughed as he smirked walking away she sounded mad.

Liam sat beside me "what he do now?" He asked "rat in principle's food" I told him he laughed "classic" he told me.

"So have you seen Barbie Bitch today?" Liam asked just as the lunch doors open "speak of the devil and the devil will appear" I told him he chuckled.

"Elizabeth" she said fake smiling  "get to the point Brittany bitch" I demanded she gasped.

"I came to say sorry and ask for truce" she said for real I was shock "okay truce but I'm still calling you Brittany bitch" I told her she just walked away.

"Did Brittany bitch just apologized?"


BAM!!!! Another chapter completed thanks for reading still.

How'd you think of Asher's little dance.

Comment what you think

Tune in till next time


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