-A small rant before continuing...

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Probably lots of people from the eddsworld fandom/community already heard and read about what happened yesterday (if I'm correct), and yes, I'm talking about irl Patryk who was so fed up with everyone that he just exploded.

I don't even know how to start talking about this, I have no clue how to even express how I felt as I read his message, probably some strong remorse and culpability even when I just got inside the fandom not longer than a month ago, only because I shipped two fictional characters thinking it was harming no one, and apparently I was very wrong. All this time I never meant to harm any of both boy's image at all, actually, I never even thought about pairing them up, because that is really wrong in lot's of ways, and hey... if you do ship real people at least be decent enough to not pester them and basically invade them and force it down their throats... I mean... they are people with their own lifes and works, not the two fictional characters shown in the series, like, two times.

After reading his whole post I really wondered wether I should keep enjoying this ship (with al of it's beautiful content), or feel ashamed and leave it, or maybe just keep going in the harmless way I've been doing it. I never thought that pairing their fictional shelfs, as some characters completely apart from who they were, would end up in this hell, but I totally understand now... (though, It makes me wonder why they thought it was right to leave their actual names in the characters since this thing of shipping characters has been around since forever, I wonder why they thought it was just nice be inserted in the story in such a raw way (hey, maybe they thought it was just a nice fun cameo and just that)... but of course I'm not saying they are the culprits of this because we all know who are they).

That being said I'll erase Paul's last name from previous chapters and put a different one (if that makes me less culprit in all of this, but irl Pat talked about this part of their names and all... I don't really, I wished we could turn back in time to end up naming both characters differently, but their name tags and their physical relation to both animators settled them with full last names and all... ah). Also, I want to remark and repeat that I never, ever, took this further than a ship of two fictional characters in a fictional universe.

I hope things cool down soon, because I like this series and characters to see it simply die or be marked down with a big loud "Ugh".

What do you guys think about what happened? What are your views on it? Will you remain in the fandom/community and keep on going as you did till now? Should I change that or you think it's a bit too late?

Later I might get another chapter done, today has been tiring.

Thank you for taking your time reading this rant, but i really needed to leave my view on the subject as a recent person that started liking eddsworld (even when the language makes a big barrier from what I really want to express).

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