'You Have A Beautiful Voice, Flowey'

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Yup. This is a One-Shot.

I know I haven't really updated on my book, but that's for later.
I know, i'm sorry.

Just bear with me okay?
Imma update later.

Oh, & btw
The song is 'Say You Won't Let Go' By James Arthur

A Human!Flowey X Carrie One-Shot

Third Person P.O.V

Flowey was at the living room, sitting on the couch alone.
Toriel, Frisk, & Mettaton were out shopping for stuff, Alphys & Undyne were in their room probably watching anime, & the Skele-bros were also in their rooms.

& Carrie..

The thought of her made Flowey blush a bit & smile. He had some feelings to the girl & she had also felt the same way to himself. & now, the two were dating.

He was so lucky to have her as his girlfriend.

Now, Carrie was nowhere to be seen in the large house. Though she was probably in her room, doing stuff with her little brother, HeroBrine.

Flowey looked at the guitar that was in the living room. He has played that guitar a few times before, but nobody knows if he can play it.
& nobody knows that he can actually sing.

Yes, Flowey can sing. He has done it multiple times, inside his room. He also did it when he was still, well, Asriel.

Flowey then thought that it would be a great time to try & sing again, since no one was around. So, he picked up the guitar & started to play it.

He hummed to the tune before he started to sing,

"I Meet You In The Dark,

You Lit Me Up~

You Made Me Feel As Though,

I Was Enough~"

Flowey smiled softly as he played the guitar & sang a bit more louder.

"We Danced The Night Away,

We Dranked Too Much~

I Held Your Hair Back When,

You Throwin' Up~"

He then remembered the times Carrie & him were together, making him blush a bit but still smiling that warm smile he had.

"& You Smiled, Over Your Shoulder~

For A Minute I Was Stone Cold Sober~

I Put You Closer To My, Chest~

& You Asked Me To Stay Over,

I Said I, Already Told Ya,

I Think That You Should Get Some Rest~"

What Flowey didn't know, was that someone had heard him singing just now.

"I Knew I Loved You Then,

But You'd Never Know~"

Carrie was just about to open the door to go to Flowey, but then she heard someone sing. So, she quietly opened the door & silently went to the living room.

"Cuz' I Played It Cool,

When I, Was Scared Of Letting Go~"

She then realized that Flowey aka her boyfriend was singing, &, playing a guitar?
Who knew Flowey had it in him!

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