Wait omg- MCSM!!

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Me : .......

Notch(who is finally here in a long time) : ...this is not what i was expecting for you three.

EinShine : What, ya think we'd be screaming & squealing all day?

HB : Duh, for you anyways.

Notch : ..tbh, ya-

EinShine : oh-

HB : *heard something* hey guys?

Me : Hey Notch waz goin on up in the Aether lately?

Notch : *shrugs* Usually its the same, just keeping it stable with others & all those other stuff & nonsense.
(You know u luv MCSM if you remember some of the references & use em- XDD)

HB : Guys???

EinShine : Ye, HB?

HB : I heard something,

HB : Then a flash of light from outside.

Me : Waitwut-

EinShine : Then lezzGO CHECK!

Notch : Goodness me Shine wth-

EinShine : Wai u surprised when u knew dis would happen boi-

Notch : *groans* *faceplam*

Me : *is already at the front door of their house* *opens door*

HB : *looks from Carrie's shoulder* ō_ô??

Me : •0•

Me : erhmahgerd-


HB : Wait isn't that the game that was already finished?


Me : BUT ANYWAYS LOOK BRINEH- *points at a pile of people* *whispers* Le Order of Le Stoneeee-

HB : *sees both the old & the new Order* oh-

Ivor : *sees Carrie & HB* What are you doin' standin' there?! Can't you just help?!

Me : *thinks* Holay shrimp my fav poition boi just asked for mah halp-

Ender : ...do you srsly have a liking towards him..?

Me : Tbh, I slightly do-

Ender : Ugh, you have a liking towards many peeps other than HB & Flowey, huh?

Me : Yea- Not THAT much tho nu-

Ivor : Well?!

Me : *blinks* wha-

Jesse(Male) : Yeah, uh,

Jess(Female) : We're stuck here.

Magnus : *is at the bottom of the pile w/ Ellegaard* OWOWOWOW HOLAY FLIPPIN GOODNESS YOU GUYS ARE TOO HEAVY ACK-

Ellegaard : *is trying to get outta the pile but is still stuck* ARGH-

Soren : 0.0

HB : *hurries over to le pile*

Me : Shine! Notch! Get ur butts here rn!

EinShine : wHAT- *sees le pile* oh wow-

Notch : ô~ô what.


Me : Okay we got y'all together & not in a pile

Me : Why don't we introduce ourselves to you?

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