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Ender : Technically almost all of them are from yesterday except like one so-


Ender : yeah yeah whatev m8

Ender : yeah yeah whatev m8

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Ahhaaha -glitchtale-

Ender : This was not yesterday's drawin/sketch idiot


For those who r liek questioning quality photo, that's a sketch i made on a Samsung Galaxy Note8. (Just like nearly all of the other sketches after this XD)

Ender : her fam took her to come with em to get a new phone -not for Carrie- & there was those stores with the actual phones but with a cable connected to them, that kinda places.

Thank chu for explaining ^~^

Ender : s'not like i have anything else ta do.

Ender : s'not like i have anything else ta do

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Another glitchtale—


Ender : Now this is yesterday's sketch.

I think of it as a pose practice tbh.

Ender : A quick one also.

Ender : A quick one also

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