Project SPHERE

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Heya y'all!

So, i heard about something about MizukaTheSilent with also EmEmWolfie doing what they both call :

Project Sphere

They say it's a campaign for Authors who make those works that display Asian characters. It's for us Asians but those from other countries can support this!

I can't describe it as much but go follow both of them!!

It's a very cool campaign that they're making right now & i'd love it if it were to get known more

& you should Especially follow their own account for it


They just started this, & i just really really want this to be known to many people here, if can, everyone.

Especially the Asian people like me; An Indonesian ^~^

If you're not sure if you are Asian their account will explain a few things. & hey! Even if you're not an Asian, just follow if you'd like! & maybe tell some friends of yours who are Asian!

& Please Do Not HATE.

We already get more than enough confusion from many people about Asians as i've also heard. & also those stereotypes & all those other things.

So, go ahead!
Look at the account, & if you're interested, go Private Message them or Email them!

Now don't be all that shy! Go on now! Go look at their account ProjectSphere !!

Here's a little look on their account :

Here's a little look on their account :

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Now go my friends. Go search this account & look through it. Go.


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