& It Still Continues-

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Continuation of 'A MCSM/MC Randomness Continues'

Ivor : So, wait.

Lukas : You're a monster, but with half of a human soul.

Flowey : Yes.

Soren : But what does that hafta do with anything?

Sans : Oh yeah, he can turn 'to a human too-

Ivor : What.

Flowey : *turns to human* Ta-Daa~

Gabriel : ..that's.. not weird.. *sips coffee*

Jesse : How come you can have both our own monster soul with a human one????

Flowey : About that...

Flowey : ..I didn't have a monster soul..

MCSM Crew : What.

Jess : Then how weRE U STILL ALIVE?!

Sans : Determination.

Flowey : Literally might i add-

Ivor : That doesn't make ANY sense!

Me : *comes into the living room w/ HB* What don make no sense?

Sans : We're explaining how the buttercup lives with no soul.

Ivor : How does a monster have Determination?! You said monsters don't have those!

Me : Oh. That

HB : Monsters had gotten the Determination, Ivor.

Soren : But, that's not- what-

Ivor : Determination can't be extracted! It's just an emotion, a feeling!

Me : Tell that to Alphys, bud.

Jesse : Who-?

Sans : She found it.

Sans : Look, here. *gets Frisk to come near them*

Sans : Since you don believe a thing we're sayin', how's 'bout we give you a demonstration?

HB : Clever, Sans.

Sans : Thank u,

HB : Frisk, mind showing them your soul now?

Frisk : *nods* mmhhm! *holds out hands & a red heart appears in front of their chest*

MCSM Crew : Ohhhhhh~

Jess : That's cool! *smiles*

Lukas : Cool beans *grins*

Jesse : Yeah.

Frisk : *smiles*

Flowey : Every human has a different colored soul. But there's only 7 traits.

Flowey : Bravery, Justice, Patience, Integrity, Perseverance, & Frisk's, which is Determination, which is also the most powerful one.

Sans : Yup. & Alphys... & another Doctor.. had found a way to get the determination from each soul trait.

Soren : So, all the soul traits have Determination also but Frisk's soul has most of it?

Frisk : *nods* mmhm!

HB : & if i remember, it was first used for trying to help the monsters who had Fallen Down, right?

Flowey : I think yes

Ivor : I'm guessing that means some kind of sickness?

Me : I think it was that point in a monsters life where they can't be like how they used to be.

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