A //pretty personal(for me anyways)\\ Tag

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I uhm, got tagged again.

This one is a bit personal to me cuz c'mon it says tag 15 fav peeps.

Let's just to it then.

1: DamagedEcho

They're the ones who tagged me, & even if we don't talk that much, i still think of them as a friend.

2: MizukaTheSilent

My first ever friend in Wattpad. The first one i ever thought as a best friend & actually is.

(Also is the best at both art & stories)

When I first came here, at Nov 28 nearly 2 years ago, i was no one yet.
Then after a year, i had already changed my username & started to make myself known as a reader at first, commenting on books & talking to other Wattpaders.

Then, i took the courage to make my very first book, 'The Adventures In MineCraftia' or TAMC.
I actually discontinued that book now. It's too much talk & lesser action & we can all see that. I'll go ahead & put it as discontinued later after this.

Anyways, at first, I actually had my hopes pretty high. & well, readers started coming little by little.
Then I found Mizzy.

She comments on my book & she make funny sayings too. I'd reply to her making funny remarks also.

Then we just talked more.

She was kinda friends with almost everyone i knew until now.
& the fact I found her & she found me..

I never, ever would've thought i could ever have found a friend like her.

I'm dead serious, Mizzy.
You, you are one of the best things/people in my life. You make me smile & well, you gave me support & I might as well return the favor too.

Thank You Mizuka

3: Robin_And_Snow

One of my BFFL(Best Friend For Lyfe) other than Mizzy (& Thyst)

Rob, buddy, you're the other half of where my happiness comes from most of the time, the other being Miz & the rest are other people.

& dude, if i had wings for one day, i'd use them to go to your house, & hug you & never wanna let go ever. I swear i would if I could.

We've done lots of things together.
Making theories for GlitchTale & others, (am scurred of wuts gonna happen in da next ep-)
Looking at each other drawings (& 'animations' like omfg rob how) & saying how much we love the other's art & we'd probably be in a war of compliments *chuckles*

& we still need to do our projects too.
I hope i'll have enough willpower to actually get it going tho heh.

& what we're doing just yesterday.
(Don't say what it is Rob please i'm still shy/scared about it)
Thank you for all those compliments Rob, really. I'd never forget that.

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