Way to go Alexander

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A/N: This was my first Hamilton fanfic and it's trash

Plz don't read it

Just let it die in peace.

Alexander had been waiting for his friends, Lafayette and Mullingan, for around ten minutes in front of a coffee shop.

He was getting bored.

The boy tried to wait a few more minutes before start sending threatening messages to the two guys.

NoHomoBro: Guys were the fuck are you!?

NoHomoBro: I'm gonna burn down your houses if you don't get here anytime soon

NoHomoBro: I need my morning coffee!!1!1!!1!

AmericasFavoriteBaguette: Calm down mon ami we are on our way

HotPantsHorseFucker: Yeah chill out sweet jesus

AmericasFavoriteBaguette: Herc, your Burr is showing

He decided to put his phone away while his friends  keep talking about Hercules being Aaron.

When he looked up, he saw the most cute, yet HOT guy ever.

His face was covered by freckles and had curly hair tied up in a pony tail. His beautiful eyes were focused on a book he was reading.

Alexander liked this guy.

A lot.

So when the cute guy walked in front of him, his gay started showing.

"Damn bitch, you fine!" Maybe it showed a little too much.

He noticed that when his freckled face turned red, really red.

And then entered the library as fast as he could.

Way to go Alex.

"Nailed" He said to himself.

Then he turned around and saw his two friends,

"Perfect.fucking.timing" He thought to himself.

"Uhh hi Alex" Lafayette said while Hercules was having a laughter attack.

"I swear that wasn't what it looked like!" He said quickly.

"Yeah, sure!" Herc managed to said while laughing.

"What!? It's not like I'm gay! 'Cause it's obvious I'm not!"

"Suuuure Alex"

"I'm not gay, I swear I'm not why would you ever think so??"

"If you says sooo.."

"L-Let's just get our fucking coffee and leave!"

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