Not Tonight

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"Hey Alex! Tonight Andrew Jackson is trowing a party at his dorm!"

It has already been one week since Alex told his friends about "Joan" and everything seem to be going fine. But for some reason Alex seemed stressed today, more that usual.

So his friend thought it might be a good idea to invite his friend to a party. But they didn't expected that Alex would for one say no to that.

"Sorry guys I can't, Joh–Joan isn't feeling good today, I think she's sick. I'll probably be at hi–her dorm tonight.

Hercules and Lafayette were really surprised by that.

On the other hand, Alex felt relieved. Thomas Jefferson and James Maddison, John's roommates, would be probably at Jackson's party, so he could spend the whole night taking care of his freckled crush.

"We leave at eigh—Wait what!? You have never missed one of Jackson's parties! Like, never!"

"Not even when you broke your leg! Or both of your legs!"

Oh yeah, how could he forget the time when he got in a fight with Angelica Schuyler that ended up with both of Alex's legs broken?

Those were the times.

And by the times I mean like, four months ago.

"I'm sorry guys but..ahg, just, not tonight ok? I'm sorry. I promise, next time I'll go with you guys"

"I guess it's ok.."

"But you have to promise, next time you can't fail to go"

"I promise"

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