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When Lafayette and Hercules left, Alex started packing clothes and all the snacks he could in his bag, he was probably staying the night at John's.

After almost making this backpack explote, Alex left quietly as possible. He didn't wanted anyone to see him sneaking into another boy's dorm.

The problem was that John's dorm is at the other side of the building. For his luck, today everyone was at Jackson's party.

When he arrived he didn't even bothered in nocking the door. He entered and the first thing that he saw was John under like, seven blankets.

"Hey Peaches, you ok?"

John answered with his thumbs up.

He wasn't even a little surprised that Alex showed at his dorm without saying anything. 

"You don't look ok to me, here let me check your temperature" He put his hand in the flecked boy's forehead and removed ir immediately.

"Babe you're burning!"

"Thanks" He said in a sarcastic tone. He looked at Alex worried face and then to the bag in his back.

"Wait, you are staying tonight?"

"Duh, I can't leave you alone, not with that fever. Do you want potato chips?"

"But I heard that tonight is Jackson's party"

"Yeah doesn't matter"


"No buts, the only thing important right now its you. Now, you want the potato chips or no?"

John grinned happily and nodded.

"Yes please...and...thanks Alex.."

"Anything for you Peaches"

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