Lucky Bastard

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"What the fuck happened last night..?"

Alexander just woke up and his head hurt like hell, "hangovers are the worst" he thought to himself.

"Uhhhg, I can't remember anything 'bout last night.."

"..Well, it's not like something important happened, right?"

Hercules entered the room with a smile painted in his face.

Alex didn't liked that smile.

It kind of scared him.

"So Alex, had fun last night?"

"Actually, I can't remember shit"

"Really? Well you didn't do much, aside of the fact that you got drunk as fuck and smacked a boys ass, and I think you also threatened Jeff–"

"Wait what!? No that didn't happened!"

"How can you tell, you don't remember"

"Because I'! Why would I do that?"

"I'm not saying you are gay" He laughed "I'm just saying you thr--"

"Like, quite telling me that, 'cause it's not funny you know, because....I'm not gay"

Mulligan facepalmed and got out of the room laughing.

Alex just keep speaking to himself until he noticed that Hercules was gone, which took him like five minutes.

He grabbed his phone and noticed that he had pictures from last night.

In most of them he was with the freckled guy from the other day.

"No way.."

There was one picture in which he was practically on top of the cute guy trying to kiss him, well, there were actually like three pictures of he trying to kiss him.

"No fucking way.."

Then he felt something on his pocket.

It was a little paper with a number in it.

"I'm such a lucky bastard...."

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