Queer and Happy

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"Why did you stay in the closet for so long though?" Hercules asked, now sitting in a park bench besides his friends.

"I dunno, I thought you wouldn't accept me or somethin'" Alexander responded absentminded while playing with John's curls.

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment.

"Dude" Angelica said. "We're all queer"

"What!?" Alex yelled as everyone looked at him like he was stupid.

"I'm Panromantic Demisexual" Eliza said, still dumbfounded.

"Aro Ace" Angelica continued.

"Jefferson and Madison are gay for each other" John told Alex, who gasped at the revelation.

"I'm as gay as they come, oh and dating Hercules" Lafayette said.

"What!?" Everyone screamed this time (expect John, who was distracted by cuddling with Alex in the grass).

"You guys didn't knew?"

"Bitch no, you didn't told us!" Angelica said.


"Oh, and Peggy is a ranging lesbian"

"Talking about Peggy" Eliza wondered. "Where is she?"

"Probably cuddling with Maria or somethin'" John sleepily responded.

"Aw, my boyfriend is so innocent and cute"

"Why thought?" Herc asked.

"They're internet girlfriends of something" Everyone nodded in understandment.

"I still can't believe that you lied to us and said that John was a woman" Angelica said. "Shame on you Alexander"

Everyone nodded at the statement. (Again).

"John, baby, they're hurting me" Alex whined, but John was already asleep.

"You guys are literally so cute like what the fuck"

"Where is the asshole that I know?" Lafayette said.

"He died when he fell in love"

"Awwwwww" His friend cooed, making him blush.

"You're such a cheesy piece of shit" Peggy said behind them.

"There you are!" Eliza screamed at her sister.

"I'm here too" Maria said.

"Did you have fuuuuun?" The Frenchman asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up" Both girls said in unison.

"See what they just did? True love" The older sister declared.

"Shut up hoes, it's obvious that John and I are the cutest couple" Alex said with a smile.

"More like the cheesiest" Herc said.

"It's the same!"

"No it's not"

"It is!"

"It's not!"

And so another argument began. But they were happy, queer and happy.

And at the end, it was clear that everyone here was indeed, gay.


A/N: So, I just accidentally just finished this....Love you guys?


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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