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*a few weeks later*

Zoe's POV
I sighed as I threw my hair up into a messy bun. Id been in such a bad mood recently! I hated it every time Alfie turned the tv on too loud, I shouted at him whenever he tried to make me dinner, I am 26 I can make food!! I mean I do love him a lot and to be honest I wouldn't change him for the world so why am I always being sad and stressful over the smallest things? It's like every time someone does something, it's like a huge fireball heading towards all my emotions and eventually I blow up and shout at who did it. I really really don't mean it. I hate feeling like this, I haven't even worn makeup in the past week, I haven't left the house and my tummy feels like crap. I'd put it down to period pains, it's always made me cranky but never this bad.

Alfie's POV 
I was downstairs making mine and Zoe's dinner. I wanted to make her mash potato with pie and peas, but to be honest my mind wasn't really on food at the moment. All I could think about was Zoe. She was mad at me for everything and yes I know it could be her period but she's never this bad, it's like she's out of control, I don't know what to do to help her.
I'm scared she'll shout at me again, but wait...surely if this is her period, it won't last much longer right?? There's got to be some explanation.
Suddenly I could smell burning. "Crap" unsaid out loud, I went over to the oven and pulled out a burnt steak pie. Great!
I threw it into the bin slamming the lid behind me. I decided to order pizza instead. As Zoe always shouted at me whenever i made her dinner...
*an hour later*
The pizza came and I walked into our cosy room, giving Zoe her pizza, she took it off me and smiled but it wasn't her normal smile, I don't get it. I decided to let her choose a film for tonight as I didn't want to disappoint her anymore. We are our pizza, more or less in silence. It's like we live in our flats again, in 2 different houses. But it shouldn't feel like that, we are sat right next to each other!

Zoe's POV
I ate my pizza and sat watching live actually. I wasn't in the mood to start talking. I wasn't mad at Alfie or anything, I just didn't feel right. All the stress of trying for a baby and all the negative test results. It just stressed me out!
Suddenly I jumped up, clenched my tummy and ran to the toilet. I viciously
Threw up, crying and terrified. I had a fear of sick!  Maybe that's what has been wrong with me, I have been coming down with something.
I heard Alfie run in After me. He held my hair back and rubbed in circles on my back, after I had finished I let him carry me upstairs and cuddle me in bed. He brought me up a glass of water and staying laid beside me cuddling up. It was the first time we did this in weeks. I feel so happy, I love Alfie!

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