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Zoe's POV
I looked at Louise. Shocked at what she said! Pregnant??? No...I can't be...can I? I've tried loads of times before for a baby and they've all been negative!
"" I said shaking
"Yes Zoe"
"How can I be pregnant what if I'm not ready to be a mother"
"Zoe sugg, look at me"
I turned away and closed my eyes. I'm scared
"Zoe look at me, please,"
So I did, I turned back to face Louise.
" you are ready to be a mother, you and
Alfie have been wanting this for a good long while, don't be scared, be happy be excited, but still don't get your hopes up it was only a suggestion."
" what should I do"
"Get you butt off to The nearest pharmacy and get a few pregnancy tests"
We said good bye and ended the Skype call, I felt butterflies in my tummy, if I'm pregnant I...i.... I'd be over the moon. But Alfie? I have no idea.
A few hours later...
I just arrived home from the pharmacy. Chucking my jacket and bag on the stairway, I ran into the kitchen to get a glass of water to try and calm myself down. C'mon Zoe test now! You want this, Alfie wants this!
I went to the bathroom holding the 3 tests in my hand. Locking the door behind me ( even I know I was alone ) I went over to the toilet.
Few minutes later
Alfie's POV
"Zoe I'm home" I shouted happily. I'd missed my little one, hadn't seen her all day. I just wanted to give her a cuddle.
There was no reply. I started to get nervous, anxious.
"Little one where are you?" I shouted once more.
"I'm..I'm in here" I heard a tiny quiet voice come from the bathroom above me.
I kicked of my shoes and ran up the stairs,
Crap, the doors locked. Is she ok??
"Zoe what's wrong are you okay?"
Suddenly the door unlocked and I slowly opened it.
There was Zoe, standing in the middle of the bathroom holding it can't be...
"Zoe! Are you...."

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