Ch. 3 - Catching Raven

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Chapter Three - Catching Raven -


Hunter was done letting Raven ignore him. She would know where she belonged, like it or not. If she tried to fight him, so be it. There was no way she would win, and if Hunter had to he would take everything from her, until it was only him left.

She will be mine, he thought, she was always mine to have.

He waited outside the house, peaking in through the windows, keeping Raven in his line of sight. She wore a red bra with a black skirt while standing in a full length mirror. Raven was trying to pick an outfit, grabbing tops from the nearby closet and holding them up to her chest. There was an ever growing pile of rejected clothes laying on the floor.

Raven was going out that night with Jackson. He sent one dozen roses to the Book and Bean during her shift, with a single fake one in the middle.

The note attached said, "Only when the last peddle dies will I stop loving you."

Jackson also left a message on her home phone telling Raven to get ready immediately and to dress nice. He made a reservation at a restaurant two towns over and told her that, "tonight would be one to remember". How right he was.

The sound of Jackson's muscle car came from the driveway, and Hunter took his que to start putting his plan into action. He crouched in the bushes next to the door and waited for Jackson to knock. When Raven answered, still only in her red bra and black skirt, Hunter almost sighed aloud while thinking, my beautiful angel. She ushered Jackson inside, and Hunter appeared at his back.

He shoved Jackson roughly into the house and slammed the door behind them. Jackson stumbled, unprepared for the push, but quickly found his bearings. He turned and swung simultaneously at Hunter, who ducked Jackson's fist and came in low, shoving his twelve inch blade almost clear through Jackson's abdomen.

All this happened before Raven even had the chance to become fully aware of what was transpiring. She heard the commotion, but by time she turned around it was too late. She watched the love of her life for five years get pierced with a knife. Raven recognized the man holding Jackson up with one hand around the neck as the stranger she often saw at the shop. Hunter's other hand twisted the blade, pushing it further in. His eyes were filled with fury as he watched Jackson slowly become weaker.

Jackson blinked at Hunter, confused as to what was happening. His arms became weak and fell to his sides. Hunter pushed the dying man off the weapon. As he fell to the floor Raven screamed, "No!" and ran to Jackson's side.

Raven's actions infuriated Hunter, he didn't want her to feel any sympathy for Jackson. As she rushed forward, Hunter caught her around her still bare waist.

"Shh." he whispered, trying to sooth the woman he was obsessed with as they slunk to the floor together.

They landed on the ground facing the body and Raven watched in horror as Jackson's eyes went blank, his blood pooling around the lifeless form. Raven sobbed in Hunters arms, staring at her dead lover. She was mortified at the sight she saw and tried to push him away, to escape Hunters firm embrace. He wasn't letting go, and his grip grew tighter each time she tried so she stopped struggling and only weeped.

"Stop looking at him." Hunter instructed as he tried to turn her face away from the grisly scene. Raven resisted, so he became more forceful and buried her head in his chest, holding her there by a fist full of her hair.

"I'm serious. Looking only makes it worse for you."

She sobbed louder at his words, but Hunter felt no guilt for what he'd done. He began stroking Raven's hair as she soaked his shirt with her salty tears, trying his best to comfort her. They sat like that for a while as she tried to recover from the shock.

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