Part 1 The Start

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 Alex was your normal kind of teenage boy. He has blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and stands around 5'11. He's going to his school for the first time and will be starting in the tenth grade. He has been home-schooled for his entire life and never had any friends and never played sports so he thought he was a nobody until later this year.

Monday morning I feel a shake on my shoulder. "What?" I said while opening my eyes to my mother pointing at my alarm clock which I forgot to set.

"Get up before you're late for your first day of school," she said sternly.

I groan. "Ok fine I'm getting up" I got up and started getting dressed for the day. I ended with a blue button-up shirt and jeans and my favorite hoodie. As I am about to walk into the bathroom my sister pushes me into the wall.

"Too slow little brother," she said.

"Autumn I'm not little," I say as I stand back up and I am about 6 inches taller.

"But I'm older than you," she whined.

"Just hurry up please I have to get ready for school" I go downstairs and see my mom making eggs.

I sigh in content. "It smells good."

I go get my backpack and finish getting ready and head to the bus stop. Three people are waiting by the bus stop and I just sit and wait. As the bus starts coming I try to get up and I fall on my face. I got up and walked onto the bus and everyone was laughing at me. Could this day get any worse?

"Nice way to start the day, here u can sit next to me. My name is Logan." He said. He was wearing a blue polo with black jeans, he has black hair, green eyes, and his hair is spiked.

"Thanks, my name is Alex," I said quietly as I sat down.

The rest of the way to school was quiet, I looked outside all the way there while Logan just watched his Chromebook. When we got there I walked through the door and Logan showed me where he and his friends met up. When we got there, there was this girl who looked like she was shivering even though she was wearing a winter jacket, black leggings, and a black top. Her hair was straight and brownish, and she had what looked like hazel eyes. Then there was this guy who looked as if he was 6'3 and had glasses. He was wearing a blue jacket and jeans.

"Hi my name is Emily," the girl said.

"My name is Lauren," the guy said.

"Hi, my name is Alex."

The bell rang and we went to our homerooms and the rest of the day was boring until I got to science where I sat next to this beautiful girl. Her hair was curly hair that looked like it was a wheat blonde color. Her eyes were this sapphire blue and looked so cute. She had this beautiful smile which when I saw my heart started pounding. When class started we were put in partners and I was put with her.

"Hi my name is Daisy you are new here right?" she said. Oh my god, her voice sounds like an angel.

"Y-y-yeah I'm new. My name is Alex" We were working on drawing atoms but all I could pay attention to is Daisy. I think she noticed because she looked up and gave me a warm smile and my face turned red. The bell rang and we started clearing out the classroom and started walking to the gym.

"BOO!" Emily and Logan yelled when they tapped my shoulder.

I screamed in terror. "What the fuck you guys, you just scared the living shit out of me," I said.

"Haha sorry but we thought we would walk with you to the gym," Emily claimed.

"Wait, we have gym together, cool!" I exclaimed

"Yeah, we are playing kickball today. By the way, do you play sports?" Logan asked.

"No, I've never played a sport so this is going to be fun." I chuckled nervously.

"Well, we are here to see you on the court," Emily said.

I got dressed for the gym which consisted of a pair of shorts and a no sleeve shirt. When I got out there I was on the team that kicked first and I was on the same team as Logan.

"You ready? You are a few kicks from now." Logan said

"No, I've never done this before" as I said that the last kicker before me kicked.

I get set up to kick and right when I kick the ball when straight into a kid's arms. I was so mad so many people were laughing at me. Then I saw Daisy walking towards my heart kept skipping.

"Hey just breathe Alex everything is fine they are just being boys but don't let that get to you," Daisy said in a calming voice.

"Ok." I smiled and my face started to turn red.

It was my turn now and I was ready. Until this kid behind was saying, "Don't screw up" in a mocking tone, but I was still ready to kick.

The ball started coming at me and everything turned slow and I'm running up to kick and I just felt a burst of energy and when everything turned back to regular speed. I kicked the ball and it went flying. Then I started hearing screaming and everyone backed up from me. I start hearing "Who are you?" "Did he just do that?" and " Is he human?".

Then I came back and saw what they were talking about. The ball broke a hole through the brick wall and pieces of brick were everywhere. I put that hole in the wall with the ball.

"How did I-What did I just do?" 

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