Part 5

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I wake up early morning with Emily's head on top of my chest. She is so beautiful, I feel my heart melting. I look up at the sky and wondered if I would ever meet my dad. I noticed when I looked down at Emily that she was gripping onto my shirt. I kissed her on the top of her head and drifted off to sleep. Emily started moving and I woke up from she was awake and waiting for me. "What's wrong?" I ask. " I have to get ready for school but I can't get down," She said "well you could have woke me up," I said "well I didn't want to," she said playfully. I moved next to her and caressed her cheek. I leaned in to her and then i got up and went to the tree. "Such a tease," she said smiling and walked up to me and kissed me passionately I held onto her waist and picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I broke away and made a green grape vine. "Grapes?" I ask her "Yes please I'm starving," she said, "you're starving for what?" I said laughing then she punched me. "you know what I mean," she said and I saw her blush. After we finished eating the grapes I picked Emily up and jumped of the canopy and onto the ground. "Meet me here after school" I tell her "OK but you aren't coming" she asked " no i don't want to hurt anyone and I've got some work to do" I said "OK" she said "do you want me to run you there" i ask "No not after the first time I almost got sick" she said "OK suit yourself"  I said and just like that she was walking away. I started running around collect supplies. First concrete then logs and food for snacks. I got back to the site and built a ladder to the canopy floor. After i finished that i started making the logs into wall foundations. Then I made leaves grow into a roof. Then i built a door out of wood and held it together with the concrete. I take a break and sit down and i eat some nutter butters my favorite. After I finished i got back to work. I ran and got some cotton and fabric. when i got back i didn't feel like going up the ladder so i jumped and got up and i got to work making a bed. when i finished the bed was at least a queen size bed. I made windows and went outside and went down and created a flower garden and a pool foundation. i created a rain cloud over the pool foundation and filled the pool. When i was done i was happy what i got done and then i notice it is 2:04. Emily should be here any time now. At around 2:23 I heard Emily coming so I ran over. before you go to the place you need to be blind folded. "ok" she said. I tie the blindfold around her eyes and i start leading towards the site. when we got there i started to untie the blindfold. "you ready" i ask "Yes just show me i don't like the suspense" she pleaded. i dropped the blindfold from her face and i saw her jaw drop. "You did this all today" she asked surprised "remember i have super speed and this isn't all of what i did and do you want to take the ladder up or do want a ride up?" i asked "i think ill use the new ladder" she said "suit yourself" i said as i went up the ladder behind her. When we arrived to the top she looked surprised it was funny. "w-w-what is this" she asked "Home... our home" i said to her "really this is for us" she asked "yeah come look at the inside" i said. when we got in there she just spun and jumped onto the bed. "I think you forgot two things," she said laughing "now what would that be?" i ask "blanket and pillows," she said "oh crap i'll be right back," i said as i ran out and went to the store and bought two body pillows and a comforter. i ran back and i felt the presence of someone else. I jumped up to the canopy floor and went inside the home and I saw daisy holding Emily from the neck from behind and had a knife up against her back. "Daisy don't please" I pleaded "well let's see you left me for her and she has been trying to hunt me down" daisy said "Leave her alone this is between me and you"I said "nah I think I'll do it anyways" she said as she pushed the knife deeper in Emily's back. I ran at her then she ran out I caught Emily as she fell. "go get her" Emily said I place her lightly on the bed then I ran. I couldn't find her. Then out of nowhere I found her. "I will be back in a month meet me here and we will have our fight Bye til then" she said then threw fire on the ground to block me from going after her. "well there's something she didn't tell me" I said to myself. "wait I got to get back to Emily" i said as started running faster than I ever have run. Which was at least 1100 mph. In no time I was at our house I jumped up and went inside to her. " I'm here for you please don't leave me" I said starting to cry. "please don't let her destroy the world for me" she said as she stopped breathing "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO don't leave me please I need you" I said bawling my eyes out. I held onto her and cried and then out of nowhere a bright light shined and Emily started breathing again. "Emily" I said hopefully " yes and can loosen your grip a bit" she said "oh thank the gods" I said as I leaned and kissed her "how you were dead" i asked "you must have a healing power from the elemental side" she said. " well thanks for that" I said then i jumped on to the bed and snuggled her. she was using my chest as a pillow. " I love you," i said and kissed the top of her head. "I love you too," she said. I leaned in and kissed her, then we drift off to sleep.

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