Part 3 The Attack

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I wake up to Daisy moving. "what's up" I said to her "I just couldn't sleep" she said. "What am I not comfy enough for you?" I said "no you are very comfy I'm just not tired," she said to me"ok," I said as I sat up and sat next to her. She grabbed a hold of my hand and put it on her cheek. I leaned in and kissed her "We need to go to sleep" she put her forehead against mine "I know," she said. I pushed her down and cuddled her to sleep. "wake up you big bum" Daisy says while shaking me. "Hmm" "we got to go to school," she said  "fine I'm up,  crap I got to go home and get dress," I said as I gave her a kiss and left. I swear on the way home I ran into at least three stop signs. Once I was home I got dressed and went to school. When I arrived at school I saw Logan get off the bus so I went up to him. "Hey," I said "Hey what's up," He said "nothing," I said 

It was a regular day of school until later that day. Alarms are going off everyone is screaming. I go up to Daisy "what is going on?" I ask her "They came for us," she said, "what came for us?" I ask "Afrit Which means fire spirit," She said, "Great UGH," I said "we got to get out there and fight," Daisy said "OK race u out there" and just like that we were off. When we got out there the Afrits were at least twenty feet tall and looked like the body was made out of molten lava. "what do we do?" I ask " we fight," she said and just like that she off try to fight the Afrits. I run in and try to punch one of them in the leg and I jumped away from them and my hand was full of blisters cause of the lava on the body of the Afrits. I had a sudden idea or I should say instinct. "Daisy get behind me" just like that she was behind me. Then BOOM the ground turned into a semi earthquake right as I punched the ground. they went flying to the side and two of them had fallen into the crack in the earth. "Daisy go get that one I got this one," I said. I ran over to the Afrit and noticed it's twice as large as the others. I was thinking about how I need a weapon how a sword would be amazing and out of nowhere my hand had a golden sword in my hand. "oh now you're fucked" I said to the Afrit. I jumped at it and cut it into pieces. I looked over at Daisy and she was getting destroyed. I punched the ground to make the afrit lose balance and I ran over to Daisy. The Afrit was sucking up all of his fallen brethren and now he is 6 times bigger than he was, to begin with. I stood up and lifted my sword to the sky and a bolt of lightning hit my sword and electrified my gold sword. Right before I ran at him he said "Fulgur Filius Dei," in Latin. "Those your last words ok" Right as I said that a ran at him and strike caused an explosion of fire and lightning. Then I blacked out. When I woke up there were doctors all around me and I caught a sight of Logan, Emily, and Lauren but I didn't see Daisy. "where is Daisy is she ok?" I asked the doctor "we only found you here " she said. I started to cry and the thought went through my head I killed her.

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