Part 13

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"It's the day of the fight," I heard Daisy say " How did I get here?" I ask her "I'm sending you an iris message through your dreams so really I'm not here," she said, "Ok then why are you here?" I hissed "Just asking if you really want to go through with this, I have an entire army, you have a few demigods, you could just give up Emily," she said "Never in a hundred years," I said fiercely " OK have it your way, meet us at our old school field at 11 o'clock P.M." she said and then the dream faded. 


"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris," I heard Emily say while shaking me. "What," I said " It's 10 o'clock A.M so get up you big bum," she said playfully. I rolled over and said "5 more minutes," I said, "No now we want to have time to ourselves before the battle," she said. She pulled the blanket off me I got up grabbed the blanket and threw it over her. I pushed her back and sat over her. She throws the blanket off and right as her face uncovered I kiss her passionately to where I was about to suffocate myself. I broke the kiss and just stared into her perfect eyes. "What do you want for breakfast," I asked her. "Pancakes," she said. "Any specific kind?" I said "Chocolate chip please," she said in the little girl voice that is so cute. "Ok I'll be back in a jiff," I said and I ran out. I started thinking about the fight I might kill Emily. No, I won't this has to work. I grab the Pancakes from IHOP and the syrup from Walmart and run home. Emily and I ate breakfast Quietly. "Hey so I need to talk to you," I said to Emily. "Ok what's up?" she asked "UH so you know when I ran out thinking I was dangerous," I said "Yeah, Chris where is this going," she said Worried. "Well I went to the Elemental realm and tried to kill Daisy and that's when her seer told me a prophecy that I'm in and so are you," I said. "Tell me this Prophecy," she said "OK this is it: 

On the final day, during the final hour.

Zeus's son will release all his power

And Destroy the girl he thought was his friend or his love of his life.

This will either destroy the world or save it.

The choice is his,"

I said. "oh which means you either destroy me or Daisy Tonight at 11," she said. " I promise It's her that's going to die I won't kill you," I said then I kissed her. She broke it and said "OK I trust you," she said "Knock, Knock are we running in on something," True said "No, No It's ok," I said. Everyone was here except Austin who I'm going to guess is sleeping.


Rest of the day was a pretty chill until 10:30 P.M I was getting ready and went to True. "Hey I need to talk to you," I said to him "You got it, boss," He said smirking. "Hey so I have a plan on how to beat Daisy," I said to him. I told him the plan. "So I need you to get Emily out of there when it happens and protect her cause there's a high chance I'm Not surviving," I said to him "Oh are you sure about this," he asked. "Yeah It's the only way," I said "Ok then you have my word I'll protect her with my life," He said "Thank you," I said "Hey guys it's time to go," Hunter said poking his head in the room. "Ok," Me and True said. Daisy, I'm coming after you for the final battle. During the day Justin made a chariot for everyone. Everyone got in and Emily and I pulled the chariot and ran. Getting there was nothing but the fight was going to be difficult. When we got there we saw an army of elementals followed by Daisy and her generals. Guys, you go after the army I'm going after Daisy and her generals. "OK," They all said and nodded. Emily looked upset her head was down. "Hey, baby girl It's going to be ok I promise," I said. "I just don't want to say goodbye to you," She said. "Your not we are going to make it out of this I promise," Right as I finished saying that she kissed me. "Ok so go take out that witch," She said to me and smiled. That's when I heard Daisy say "CHARGE!". "Charge!" I yelled and we all ran at them. I made my way through the army, to see Autumn, Logan, Lauren, and Aleysha in battle position. They all ran at me with weapons and I felt a sharp pain going through my head and knew it was Aleysha. I go at them right back throwing punches and throwing them around. Autumn tries to scream at me and I dodged it and ran at her and Punched her her which caused a sonic boom and she was knocked out cold. "Sorry Sis," I said. Aleysha was still hurting my head so I ran at her and grabbed her by the head and jumped and then slammed her into the ground. "Stay down," I said. Lauren ran at me and tried to throw a punch at me but I caught it and flipped him onto the ground and broke his arm. I pulled out my sword and Stabbed him in the back and said "This time stay dead," I said. It's only Logan and I left. "So we meet again," He said smirking. "Yeah too bad It's going to be the last time we see each other," I said. "Bring it on," he said. He ran at me and tried to throw a  punch at me and I dodged it. I grabbed him by the neck and threw him in the air then grabbed him and slammed his back into my knee. I swear I just broke his back. Then I picked him back up by the throat and punched him in the ribs and most likely broke those too. Then I threw him to the ground. "You chose the wrong side," I said. "Daisy I'm ready come fight," I yelled. "So It's finally time to fight I've been waiting a long time to do this," she said "Oh you have no idea," I said laughing. She launched herself at me but I grabbed her and threw her behind me. She ran at me and we both threw punches none of them hitting til she makes her fists feel as hot as fire and burned me then grabbed me by the arm while burning me she picked me up and slammed me into the ground. "owwwww," I Yelped. I kicked her off of me. SShe then threw a fireball at me and I dodged it and then threw a Waterball at her. "I can combat any of your Powers," I said Laughing. "Ok then let's battle with our weapons," she said. "fine," I said back. I threw out my dice and it landed on my golden sword. I ran at her and we both slashed at the same moment. We kept on slashing but not a single attack hit until Daisy Jabbed the tip of her sword into my gut and moved it inside my body. I kicked her backward so the sword came out. She came back at me and tried to slash me with her sword but I hit it to the side and then hit her with the bottom of the sword in the head and she went down to the ground. "True It's time get them out of here and tell Emily I love her and I'm sorry," I screamed. "OK It was mostly nice knowing you cuz," he said. "Just go," I said. It's time to turn myself into a nuclear bomb. All the memories I had with Emily came into my head while I was concentrating all my power into one explosion. Once I knew everyone was gone I said one last thing. "Thank you mom, dad, and Emily and I'm sorry," I said then a bright light came and I knew it was the explosion. The last thing in my mind was Emily. Then Black.


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