Part 12

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I walked outside into the warmth of the sun the breeze blowing through my hair. "A perfect day to have a fight," I said And like that I was off to fight True. I felt like I was running on airIwas so energized. I could feel the electricity flowing through my veins. I got to the field and there was no sign of life except for Emily in the distance. "TRUE I'M READY!" I yelled and just like that he poofed out of nowhere. "It's about time I thought you weren't going to show," he said laughing "You would have been lucky if I didn't," I said. "I have someone who's going to help me in this fight," he said "Wait it's going to be a 2 v.s 1? How is that fair?" I asked "Don't worry it's going to be you and Emily V.S me and Hunter," he said and like that Emily appeared next to me and Hunter next to True. "I finally get to take on Chris," Hunter said "We'll see how it goes," I said. I ran at them and I just bounced off them. I tried a lightning bolt and it bounced off and almost hit Emily. "Why can't any of my attacks hurt you," I said terrified. "Have you ever heard of the Blessing of Ares," They said. Oh no the blessing of Ares is a blessing that grants user invincibility for a limited amount of time. The real question is how long will it last. "Don't worry it won't last much longer we applied it a long time ago thinking you would be here earlier" True said. "Um True it wore off," Hunter said. "Ok time to make this fight fair. Bring it," True said "You ready Emily?" I ask her "More ready than I'll ever be," she said pulling out the sword I made. I threw my dice in the air and it landed on 6 my Sais. I run at True and both of us were using Sais. Neither one of us hit the other. All you hear is loud metal hit against each other. I caught one of his Sai with my sai and throw it the side and then the other and I kick True on the ground. Something came over me and anger and revenge filled my mind and I tried to stab True but Hunter uses one of his abilities and makes it to where I can't use my weapons. True kicked my knee to the side and I went down in pain. He picks me up and throws me I try to stand but it hurt to walk. I held my hand to my knee and it healed. I looked over at Emily and Hunter had her on the ground and was about to slash her. I ran over immediately and threw myself over her and took the hit. All I heard was a shatter and I didn't feel anything I look up and I was slightly glowing and Hunter was 12 feet from me and his sword was broken. I stood up and it seemed like I grew 8 inches and I'm more buff than I was. "It's the blessing of Zeus," True said. "I can't fight them both and I know they have a lot more things up their sleeves so I need you to trust me," I said to her. "Ok I trust you, you know that," she said confidently. "OK, I Chris Lane Grant Emily Rior The copycat ability," I said and everything started to glow. It was so bright I had to look away, when it died down I looked back and everything seemed the same. "Emily are you ok?" I asked "I'm fine but I don't feel any different," she said while True and Hunter are recovering. "Here try this," I said while holding out my hands making tiny flickers of lightning on my hand. She let her hand open and lightning flickered on it. "We fight till the end right?"I asked "Till the end," she said. "Are we going to fight or not?" True yelled. "Let's go," I said. I generated a lightning bolt and threw it at them and Emily does the same. I run at them but right before I was there I jumped and punched the ground and True and hunter went flying. When Hunter was in the air Emily ran hella fast and punched him in the mid air. He was knocked out cold. "Let's make the odds more in my favor," True said. He raised an army of dead soldiers. "Emily take care of the soldiers I'll go get True," I said. It started to get darker cause the sun is behind the clouds which mean True can shadow travel. He disappeared and then appeared right next to me and punched me then disappeared again. He keeps on doing this. I was so exhausted I was bruised and most likely have broken ribs. How do you defeat something you can't see. Wait a minute I have an idea. If the shadows are gone while he's shadow traveling he should theoretically be drained of energy. Let see if this works I concentrated hard on light a bright light. My body lit like a flashlight. True appeared and he was on the ground, his breath was shaky and he was shaking. The sun was finally out from behind the clouds and I went back to regular. I picked True up and threw him next to hunter who was up. "Emily It's time to finish this," I said. She nodded. We both summoned a lightning bolt and hit them but not strong enough to kill them just weaken them enough. "So you're both going to help us tomorrow in the fight," I said to them. " yes" They both said. You're going to go to camp and tell our friends that the fight is tomorrow," I said. "Ok," They said and then they were gone. "You were amazing out there baby girl," I said. "So were you and I can't believe you gave me powers," she said "I know," I said "Race you home," She said and she was off she is fucking fast I run after. This may be the last day I have with her. I either destroy her or daisy and this will determine if the world gets destroyed or not. I finally caught up to her and we made it home and jumped up the house. "I'm extremely tired," she said "ok let's go to bed then," I said. I threw her on the bed and cuddled with her. "I love you," she said. "I love you too," I said and kissed her on the lips and she slowly drifted off to sleep. I thought about the battle tomorrow. I have a plan but It might just get me killed.

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