Nightmares (Shiro x pidge)

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GUYS. I know there is an age difference between these two characters, but it is called a fanfic for a reason. For this chapter, Pidge will be 19 and Shiro will be 22.

3rd person pov
Shiro stared at Pidge from across the room as she glared at Lance who was currently bothering her and touching her equipment. Everyone knows the "Don't touch my equipment" rule, though no one really paid attention to it. Those who ignored it, often got what they deserved. In Pidge's case, it was a long lecture about nano-physics, putting the "victims" to work, or helping her out with creating completely useless items.

She was cute when she was angry. Wait, what? Uh-oh. Shiro's falling, hard. Shiro laughed as Pidge slapped Lance's hand and gave him a look that could kill, her hazelnut eyes filled with rage.

"I will give you the lecture of a lifetime if you don't get your dusty crusty hands off my equipment!" Pidge threatened.

Lance recoiled as if he was being introduced to the ruler. The ruler meant spankings. Hunk crept up behind her and ruffled her hair. Pidge closed her eyes and began controlling her breathing. Her eyes flashed open.

"Oh! Screw this!" She yelled, tackling the big, raven-haired man.

"Ah! Pidge! Get off, please! Have mercy!" Hunk cried, fear plastered on his face as the tiny green paladin placed herself on his back, grabbing onto the collar of his shirt and yanking back as if pulling the reins on a horse.

"Pidge!" Keith said, stifling a laugh as he tried to pry the honey brown haired girl off Hunk's back. Pidge growled and jumped off, stomping over to the front of the man, who was now rubbing his shoulders where she had gripped. She stuck a finger into the yellow paladin's chest.

"DON'T touch me when I'm trying to concentrate." She growled, then made her way over to Lance.

"DON'T touch my equipment," Pidge said pointing over to her place on the couch where her laptop was now laying on its side. "And you guys wonder why I'm always alone in my lion's hangar," she murmured under her breath. She often spent her time alone with her lion in its hangar and most times, Hunk, Lance or Allura had to try to pry her from her work and always questioned her as to why she was always alone. This was why.

Pidge picked up her laptop and other equipment and balanced them expertly in her tiny arms. Shiro reached out. "Need some help?", he asked, trying to take some of her load. "No. No touchy," she hissed. Shiro only laughed and shook his head.

The rest of the day consisted of false alarms and team bonding exercises, courtesy of Princess Allura. That night, everyone got ready for bed quickly, as they were all exhausted and ready for some shut-eye. Shiro, on the other hand, was tired but he was reluctant to sleep.

His sleep was often ruined by nightmares of his haunted past, specifically the year he was a Galra prisoner. He readied himself for bed slowly, stripping himself of everything but his boxers.

He laid down, pulling the covers up to his chest and he stared at the ceiling, fighting the drowsiness. Soon, his tiredness got the better of him and he was pulled into a pain filled slumber.

"NO!" Shiro yelled as his friends were being slaughtered one by one by Myzax, the gladiator. First, it was Hunk, taken down not 10 minutes into the fight."KEITH!" Shiro cried, tears brimming in his eyes. Keith lasted a little longer but eventually, his blood was spilled over the sandy ground of the arena as well.

Two down, two to go.

Myzax roared with what sounded like laughter as Lance was pushed out into the arena. Lance shot aimlessly at the monster, missing his target completely.

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