Truth or Dare pt 1 (Klance + Shidge)

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3rd person pov
While Pidge and Hunk explained the rules of 'Truth or Dare' to a very confused Allura and Coran, Keith seated himself on the floor in the lounge. Apparently, this was Lance's idea and Keith had no doubt it was. 

Shiro sat next to Keith while Lance sat next to Shiro, next to Lance was a smirking Pidge. She had evil ideas, and Keith knew it would be directed towards him. Keith suddenly wished he hadn't spilled his guts on Pidge, the guts he spilled about Lance, and how he had a slight crush on him. Okay, it was a big crush. 

Keith was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Pidge speak. 

"Just start the game already!" She said, impatient. She was obviously planning he evil dares and truths on him and Lance. He was definitely in trouble. Why did he have to agree to this damn game? 

"I'll go first!" Lance yelled excitedly, raising his hand. He looked around, a hand on his chin, thinking. His eyes lit up when he saw Allura, looking down, unable to make eye contact. For she too, was terrified, especially of Lance. Lance never went easy. 

"Allura!" Lance selected, breaking her out of her thoughts. 

"Oh! Um...Dare?" Her answer came out more as a question. Pidge swore she saw Allura trembling. 

Lance smirked and then laughing evilly. "Oh man," Allura mumbled under her breath. 

"I dare you to..." He paused to create suspense, and boy was it working. Everyone was waiting for the outcome, unable to bear the suspense. "I dare you to let Keith do your hair. And you have to keep it up until tonight!" Lance said, obviously knowing that Keith was terrible at doing hair, especially long, thick hair such as Allura's. 

"WHAT?!" Allura and Keith yelled in unison, both of them now scared. Keith knew that the princess could kill him if he something really bad. Allura pouted and turning her back towards Keith for easy access to her hair. She was sitting next to Keith so luckily they didn't have to get up and move.

Keith gulped, reaching his hands out to her hair and brushing through it with his fingers. It was soft but not untangled. Once Keith reached a tangle, he clawed through it roughly, the white-haired female grunting at his carelessness. 

Eventually, Keith styled her hair. Everyone laughed harder then they were before for Allura's hair looked like a bird got tangled in her hair and tried to free itself. He hair was sticking up in different directions, held up by masses of bobby pins and hair bands. 

"This is going to be hell to brush through tonight." Allura seethed. Keith's cheeks were dusted with a light shade of pink in embarrassment. He buried his face in his hands.

Allura looked around the room, her eyes vengeful. She wanted someone to pay. Not in a bad way but she wanted someone to go through as much embarrassment as she is. Her eyes landed on Pidge. Pidge and Allura had become best friends and Pidge had told her that she liked a certain black paladin. Allura's metal gears clicked. 

"Pidge!" Allura called, startling the small honey brown haired girl. Pidge had fear in her eyes. She knew what Allura was capable of and it wasn't pretty. 

Pidge gulped. 

"Truth or Dare?" Allura asked, saying every word slowly. Pidge had to be careful, if she chose dare, it would have something to do with extremely embarrassing physical contact. If it was truth, mental damage and still completely embarrassing.

"Truth..." Pidge said, trying to sound confident but her voice came out more as a whisper.
Allura smirked, evil ideas swirling around in her head. 

"Who. Do. You. Like?" Allura said, saying every word as if it was its own separate sentence.

Pidge swallowed hard. She sighed and straightened her posture. "Shiro." She said, her voice sounding between a mix of fear and confidence. 

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