Rescue Mission (Lance x Keith)

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Ever since Lotor showed up and took the place of Zarkon, he had been after Lance for a while. The moment the white haired galra saw the blue paladin, Lotor knew he had to have the young boy.

And so he tried. He tried, over and over to grab Lance's attention or try to get him to betray his friends by bad mouthing them but Lance was loyal, despite what Lotor said being true.

So, Lotor decided to take it one step farther--by giving an ultimatum.

Lotor stood in front of the team proudly, a galran blaster in his hand.

"Blue paladin!" Lotor called out to Lance who was holding his wounded arm. "You will come with me or your friends will die."

Lance hesitated, looking back at his friends. He looked at Keith the longest. Lotor saw the way Keith looked at Lance and shot Keith's arm out of jealous rage.

Keith cried out in both surprise and agony. Lance screamed his name and looked back at Lotor. Lotor was smirking, his canines gleaming in the purple light.

Lance sighed and stepped forwards, towards Lotor. His friends cried out to him, telling him not to do it. Keith screamed louder than the others, begging Lance.

Lotor smiled genuinely at Lance as he stood beside the tall Galran. Keith looked at Lance with wide eyes. Lance shook his head before walking away with Lotor.

I'm sorry guys, he thought as he walked out of sight.


"Where's Lance?" Keith demanded as he aimed his sword at Lotor, who was smirking with his hands up in surrender. The white haired galran said nothing, the smug smile never faltering.

It had been months. At least, that's what it felt like. There's no time in space. Keith was struggling without Lance. The whole team was. Lance was Keith's anchor, the one that kept him in place. Lance was the teams laugh, the teams groan, the teams spirit.

It was quiet without him. Everyone was lost. Lance was the one that kept them together as a family, no matter how hard Shiro tried, Lance was and always will be the glue of the team. He may be cocky and a bit of a flirt.. scratch that, he's a big flirt but he was still family.

Especially to Keith. Lance was the only one Keith really connected with, really considered...home, family.

And Keith wanted him back. Not just for the team, but for selfish reasons. Lotor could not have Lance because Lance was the teams. He was Keiths'. And no one else's.

He didn't know it yet but he loved the blue paladin.

The team shot the rest of the galran soldiers then ran up behind him, weapons drawn.

"Give me back Lance." Keith growled.

"Give us back Lance." Shiro corrected.

Keith rolled his eyes. "Where is he?"

Lotor laughed. "You'll never get him back."

Keith stepped closer to Lotor, raising his sword and pressing the edge of the blade against his neck. "We'll see about that." Keith said, his voice low and tight.

That was all he said before stepping back and bringing the hilt of his blade to the back of Lotors head. The unconscious galran slumped to the ground in a limp heap.

Keith turned back to his friends. "Whoops?" Keith shrugged. "Lets go find Lance."

The team didn't object, they just followed.

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